Hugo Chavez killed by NSA?
Robert Weber | 31.12.2013 22:27 | Guantánamo | Terror War | Cambridge | Oxford
Chavez killed by NSA? Jacob Appelbaum @ CCC - Chaos Communication Congress
antikriegTV antikriegTV·1.221 Videos Internetaktivist Appelbaum @ CCC - Chaos Communication Congress - Veröffentlicht am 31.12.2013 - english version: -
antikriegTV antikriegTV·1.221 Videos Internetaktivist Appelbaum @ CCC - Chaos Communication Congress - Veröffentlicht am 31.12.2013 - english version:

"Well what if I told you that the NSA had a specialized technology for beaming energy into you and to the computer systems around you?" Appelbaum asked. "Would you believe that that is true, or would that be paranoid speculation of a crazy person?"
Slides shown by Appelbaum suggest that the NSA is in the business of transmitting radio frequency waves to targets, which, in effect, can help decode the images displayed on computer monitors or typed on keyboards. The NSA may be sending waves with the intensity of 1 kW at a target from only a few feet away.
"I bet the people who were around Hugo Chavez are going to wonder what caused his cancer," Appelbaum said WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange told him after hearing about the latest NSA leaks.
Link to this section of his speech @ CCC

Robert Weber
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