2014 EDL Leaks - List of Far-right and EDL members in the North East of England
Anon | 22.12.2013 12:08 | Anti-racism | Education | World
A list of members and those involved and connected with the North East EDL and Far-right in the North East of England.
As it comes up to 2014, the EDL like every other year before this claim that each year is going 'their year'. In a pathetic attempt to convince themselves.
204 names and faces of people involved and connected with the North East EDL are now released, with more leaks to follow in the new year. Spread this far and wide!
204 names and faces of people involved and connected with the North East EDL are now released, with more leaks to follow in the new year. Spread this far and wide!
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Unholy alliance between the left and radical Islam
22.12.2013 13:02
Fighting against Islamic extremism is not fascism!
@Fighting against Islamic extremism is not fascism!
22.12.2013 14:58
Never download anything like this
22.12.2013 18:39
New Year
re: Never download anything like this
22.12.2013 18:58
22.12.2013 20:00
Homepage: malatesta32@wordpress.com
Re: Never download anything like this
22.12.2013 22:27
Tom Ferrour
contains photos, names, some other details
23.12.2013 23:47
Ian Johnson, North East EDL R.O and NF member from West Denton
03.03.2014 14:04
Ian Johnson - December 2013
Ian's place
Ian's street
Ian's car and street
Ian Johnson
Ian's racist jokes
Ian's racist jokes
Ian's racist jokes
Ian's racist jokes
Ian's sexist jokes
Ian at a NF demo in Newcastle
Ian at a NF demo in Newcastle
Ian at EDL demo
Ian's support for Combat 18 and other far-right groups
Ian Johnson with ex BNP candidate Alan Spence
Ian Johnson
Ian often makes racist and sexist jokes online too.
Name:- Ian Johnson
Age:- 49
D.O.B:- 01 October 1965
Address:- 08 Duchess Drive, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE15 7AX
Chris Johnson, a North East/Sunderland EDL member from Sunderland
04.03.2014 12:26
Chris Johnson - February 2014
Chris Johnson in front of EDL banner (right)
Chris Johnson (middle) with EDL t-shirt
Chris Johnson's EDL tattoo
Evidence of Chris making his son wear a EDL balaclava
Chris's racist jokes
Chris's racist jokes
Chris's racist jokes
Chris's racist jokes
Chris's racist jokes
Chris's place
Chris's street
As his son has no fault for his fathers role in the EDL we've cut him out the photos for safety though in one incident he made his son wear an EDL balaclava and posted it on social media.
Chris Johnson often makes racist jokes online and also has an EDL tattoo on his left chest.
Name:- Chris Johnson
Age:- 48
DOB:- 19 August 1969
Mobile Phone:- 07895 547413
Address:- 07 Ralph Avenue, Leechmere, Sunderland, SR2 0DN
additional comments by ian johnstone
19.03.2014 21:11
Ian saying he hates people on the dole
Ian racism
Proof that Ian is a Regional Organiser
Ian confused about what he believes in
North East EDL member 'Kurt Hunt' real name Adam Coulthand
07.05.2014 19:10
Adam Coulthand aka 'Kurt Hunt'
Adam's street
Name:- Adam Coulthand
DOB:- 03 Aug 1994
Address:- 74 Milburn Road, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 0PG
EDL banned from Butlers bar - and info/violent threats from Alan Smith released.
16.06.2014 00:11
Alan Smith - North East EDL member from Hebburn.
Alan Smith at 'Ban the Burka' demonstration in Hartlepool Nov.2013
Alan Smith
Alan saying he hopes left-wing activists burn in a house fire
Alan saying he's going to attack innocent people
Alan giving info on the EDL being banned from Butlers Bar
Alan giving an indication that he's going to beat a 'lefty' up
Alan saying he's going to jam a cocktail in his pet Goldfish's side
Alans further threats of violence
Alan saying he's going to hit his partner
Alan saying he hopes people burn to death
Alan Smith
Alan's street.
It turns out that the EDL are now banned from Butlers Bar in Newcastle, it's been a downward slope for the EDL previously getting banned from The Rose and Crown Pub for having a punch up between their own members. We can only hope that the EDL continue to lose further EDL friendly pubs in future.
It's also been brought to attention that you should be very careful of approaching Alan Smith otherwise known as 'Al' or 'Alona Smith' on Facebook who is an North East EDL member from Hebburn. He's supposedly attending the upcoming Middlesbrough demo.
Alan Smith often makes threats of physical violence and abuse such as attacking innocent people who he deems the 'weakest smallest dude' while he's 'full of booze to saying he's going to hit his own partner, hoping left-wing activists burn to death alive and even jamming a cocktail stick in his pet Goldfish's side. Fortunately he wasn't too clever to not leave his information up online too. If you live around Hebburn be aware and cautious of this violent, sexist and fascist thug.
Name:- Alan Smith
D.O.B:- 30/01/1970
16 Milton Avenue,
Tyne and Wear,
NE31 1PY
Info on NE EDL members Darren Jarden also a BNP and NF supporter
17.06.2014 18:50
Darren (left) and Krystina (right) Jardine
Darren's support for the BNP
Darren's support for the BNP
Darren's support for the BNP
Darren also like curry. If it wasn't for immigration there would be none
Darren Jardine with Tommy Robinson ex founder of the EDL
Darrens EDL tattoos
Darren and Krystina's street.
Age:- 38
D.O.B:- 12 February 1976
Krystina Jardine
Married to Darren Jardine
Both are North East EDL and NEI members that have been active since 2011. Darren also shows support to the BNP and the National Front. Darren recently attended the National Front's 'anti-grooming' demo in Newcastle in May 2014. They live close to Colin Dodd's place.
27 Crawford Close
Bishop Auckland
Country Durham
DL14 6PS
Re-upload of files
29.08.2015 01:56
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