Reindeer Meat Production
Roger K. Olsson | 21.12.2013 18:59 | Analysis | Globalisation | London | World
Tromsø, Norway 2013-12-21
The question we ask today is whether the capacity of the production facilities for reindeer meat production in northern Lapland harnessed for optimum reindeer meat production and processing. I start with the question, given the fact that reindeer herding in the montane relate to very high requirements on an annual production adjustment in time intervals as well as access to pre-processed meat. Due to factors such as climate adaptation, snow conditions and more so varies the annual reindeer collection period for the winter a lot and it makes a whole production chain facing a big flexibility requirement. Although this variation and this process here does not present a dramatic impact on the final production frequency but it has still an impact. Disruptions in supply and demand can occur during periods and therefore coordination from a trade perspective is essential. An estimate of demand in the local and regional market might be easily prepared for production levels but how is demand from the international and national market been managed for a demand. As we argued in a previous context, so we estimated that there was access to a range of growing market areas for reindeer meat in a geographically contingent perspective. One example that we mentioned about was the sheer number of newly opened luxury restaurants and hotel restaurants in Estonia. As I said, foreign tourism in this part of the world has had a hugely expansive development and this has led to, among other things, that the Irish beef industry has received a major growth by Irish restaurant chains that have established themselves in the luxury districts. During our recent visit to Tallinn, Estonia, so we got to experience a genuine food culture with a very thorough foundation in the Estonian tradition. Just this factor along with the aspect of an international business traveler and a luxury tourist today requires variety and often choose the most special on the menu, so too has the exclusive reindeer meat with details such as fillet, steak and many noble processed meat details a very solid place in the Estonian kitchen. With this as background the authorities responsible for food exports should account of this fact together with the established restaurant industry in franshice development. With the recent developments in refrigeration packaging so now also transport conditions with today's demands have created a great advantage for the development of wholesale activities in reindeer meat industry. But this refrigeration-, /cool packaging regulation also means that less established production facilities with sales in a quick and convenient way can be able to deliver fresh meat to destinations that usually otherwise have been out of the distance in terms of unsustainable. Now there are all prerequisites to quickly and easily send special cooling packages with fresh meat and delivery requirements within a specified time. All this has in recent years become researched to maintain as high quality as possible, according to luxury restaurants 'requirements and food authorities' recommendations. Reindeer meat is considered in many parts of the world today as the best meat and the absolute most luxurious food form. Therein also quality requirements is been set high and specially trained inspectors constantly controls and review approved quality set by national and local food authorities.
Copyright 2014 Roger K. Olsson
Giuen Invest Management Limited.
Stron House 100 Pall Mall.
London, England, UK.
Roger K. Olsson
VAT: GB 07371355.
The question we ask today is whether the capacity of the production facilities for reindeer meat production in northern Lapland harnessed for optimum reindeer meat production and processing. I start with the question, given the fact that reindeer herding in the montane relate to very high requirements on an annual production adjustment in time intervals as well as access to pre-processed meat. Due to factors such as climate adaptation, snow conditions and more so varies the annual reindeer collection period for the winter a lot and it makes a whole production chain facing a big flexibility requirement. Although this variation and this process here does not present a dramatic impact on the final production frequency but it has still an impact. Disruptions in supply and demand can occur during periods and therefore coordination from a trade perspective is essential. An estimate of demand in the local and regional market might be easily prepared for production levels but how is demand from the international and national market been managed for a demand. As we argued in a previous context, so we estimated that there was access to a range of growing market areas for reindeer meat in a geographically contingent perspective. One example that we mentioned about was the sheer number of newly opened luxury restaurants and hotel restaurants in Estonia. As I said, foreign tourism in this part of the world has had a hugely expansive development and this has led to, among other things, that the Irish beef industry has received a major growth by Irish restaurant chains that have established themselves in the luxury districts. During our recent visit to Tallinn, Estonia, so we got to experience a genuine food culture with a very thorough foundation in the Estonian tradition. Just this factor along with the aspect of an international business traveler and a luxury tourist today requires variety and often choose the most special on the menu, so too has the exclusive reindeer meat with details such as fillet, steak and many noble processed meat details a very solid place in the Estonian kitchen. With this as background the authorities responsible for food exports should account of this fact together with the established restaurant industry in franshice development. With the recent developments in refrigeration packaging so now also transport conditions with today's demands have created a great advantage for the development of wholesale activities in reindeer meat industry. But this refrigeration-, /cool packaging regulation also means that less established production facilities with sales in a quick and convenient way can be able to deliver fresh meat to destinations that usually otherwise have been out of the distance in terms of unsustainable. Now there are all prerequisites to quickly and easily send special cooling packages with fresh meat and delivery requirements within a specified time. All this has in recent years become researched to maintain as high quality as possible, according to luxury restaurants 'requirements and food authorities' recommendations. Reindeer meat is considered in many parts of the world today as the best meat and the absolute most luxurious food form. Therein also quality requirements is been set high and specially trained inspectors constantly controls and review approved quality set by national and local food authorities.
Copyright 2014 Roger K. Olsson
Giuen Invest Management Limited.
Stron House 100 Pall Mall.
London, England, UK.
Roger K. Olsson
VAT: GB 07371355.
Roger K. Olsson