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Council tenants told to not have a merry christmas

Working Class and Proud | 19.12.2013 18:54 | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements | Liverpool | London

Hammersmith and Fulham Council said 46% of its tenants were in rent arrears and the cards were part of a "hard-hitting" campaign. However, tenants branded it as a "disgusting" move disguised as a festive message.

See they really do hate working class people, especially those in social housing and/or unemployed. If we are not making profits for them or giving them money in some other way they detest us and think we should be either homeless or joyless, or just dead.

"Councillor Johnson, cabinet member for housing, said it was part of an ongoing campaign.
He said: "We want to do everything we can to stop tenants getting into rent arrears."
He said the message was "deliberately hard-hitting" but not intended to be insulting.
He added: "It's a very serious issue and the real issue of this double-sided postcard was to say if you are in difficulty give us a call.
"It would give me no pleasure to evict people in the new year because they're behind on their rent."
He said that eviction proceedings begin when a tenant is £250 in arrears.
He said he believed the card, which was sent to about 17,000 properties, cost about £2,000 to produce, which "pales into insignificance" against the rent owed.

He added: "I think we've got to take all reasonable steps possible to make sure people pay their rent."

I'm sure there are some working class people here who would love to know more about 'Councillor Johnson, cabinet member for housing - Hammersmith and Fulham Council '

Working Class and Proud


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unter class

20.12.2013 01:16

So this seems to be saying" the depressives malcontents,plus lazys" can live happily on including rent& tax1/3 of the average wagę,someetimes more for disabled,sometimes less for nfa homeless,they should be happy their even breathing!!.

Sadly their stalinists,some libertarian anarchists,new labour & conservatives whoball think the unter class should be dead,politics can be a mixedup crazy gamę.

eva prawn & frank fields


20.12.2013 22:13

If you want to buy stuff, you need to pay for it.
If you want to pay for stuff, you need to work rather than sit around smoking cigarettes

Don't drink; don't smoke; don't gamble; don't spend it all on a 42" TV and sky

work for it