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Anti workfare demonstrators blockade Salvation Army shop in Edinburgh

Edinburgh Anti-Cuts Alliance | 19.12.2013 08:55

Demonstrators opposing workfare and sanctions blockaded a large Salvation Army charity shop in central Edinburgh on 7th December.  The approximately 40 protestors included some unemployed people who had themselves been press-ganged to work for nothing in Salvation Army charity shops.

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Edinburgh Anti-Cuts Alliance
- Original article on IMC Scotland:


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The reality of the oppressive Salvation Army....

19.12.2013 10:09

Good too see people organising against the Sally Anne.
A lot of people think that the Captains, Majors, Divisional commanders, General, are a lovely bunch, helping the homeless, and needy, etc.....
Not in my experience. As well as exploiting Unemployed people via slavery, they also like to indoctrinate young working class kids, ignore domestic violence that goes on in their organisation, members of their hierarchy have abused children violently and used indoctrination techniques similar to those employed by other 'cults' at their summer camps for kids; such as their 'emotional devotional' services..... Marginalisation of people confused about their sexuality. These are all things I either experienced or saw as a kid in the Salvation Army.....



21.12.2013 10:54

You can't 'blockade' a shop! lol Dumbasses!

The rest is lies
