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Why politics is like particle physics

Bright Green Scotland | 06.12.2013 00:55

With the publication of the Scottish Government’s white paper last week came the much anticipated “facts” of independence and the negotiating terms for a post-Yes vote in September, plus of course a few manifesto promises from the SNP thrown in for good measure.

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Bright Green Scotland
- Original article on IMC Scotland:


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06.12.2013 12:35

"Why politics is like particle physics ". A strong, catchy headline , but unfortunately not really justified by the body of text. People generally don't understand politics and people don't understand particle physics , so politics and particle physics are “alike” . Which is true of course,as would be an article headlined “Why Human Beings are Like Mice ”. Human beings like cheese and so do mice.


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10.12.2013 18:42

-Trillion dollar coruption.
-Infested with institutional beurocrats, and nepoleon control lawyers.
-useless and evil.
-Any progress is kept top secret in case foreigners are looking.
