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9-11 truth activists deliver letter to Guardian newspaper

Mockingbird | 24.11.2013 18:39 | Terror War

Inspired by the ReThink9-11 campaign which has put a massive billboard opposite the New York Times HQ, 9-11 Truth activists in London decided to deliver a letter of their own to the UK's own liberal voice, the Guardian newspaper.


On 22 November, a group of 9-11 truth activists delivered a letter to the Guardian questioning their coverage of the attacks of 9-11 2001.

The Guardian has achieved a reputation as an outlet for Whistleblowers, and has been praised (and condemned) for bringing information provided by Chelsea (Bradley) Manning and Edward Snowden to public attention.

However when security service insiders and expert witnesses blow the whistle on the official 9-11 story, their testimony is either downplayed or ignored. One example is Sibel Edmonds, former FBI translator who described the cover-up as follows,

‘What occurred with the 911 related investigation – be it the FBI, or the Department of Defense, or the Department of State, or the CIA or the Pentagon – they choose to basically publicize the deal at the hijacker level – and completely went about covering up certain entities that they had DIRECT evidence, DOCUMENTED evidence of the support networks – be it the financial support networks, or communications, or obtaining visas – they have not touched those individuals. Those individuals are still roaming free! Today!’

The activists also handed out flyers to Guardian staff and answered questions about our campaign. This activity was carried out in support of the ReThink9-11 campaign which sent a letter to the NYT this month challenging their coverage of 9-11.

More information on their campaign is at the link below

The corporate media have betrayed the public by assisting the US government in promoting the findings of a sham inquiry (the 9-11 Commission) which was denounced even by its chairman as ‘set up to fail’. The official story of the 9-11 attacks, which is largely based on the findings of this enquiry, is a totally unsuitable foundation on which to base a foreign policy and domestic security agenda.

The Jimmy Savile scandal showed that a single act of bravery by a media professional can destroy a conspiracy of silence. We call on media professionals to start asking questions about the 9-11 attacks. They could start by asking how office fires in a fire-proofed, steel-frame skyscraper (building 7) managed to achieve this…



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Every 9/11 conspiracy theory was thoroughly debunked years ago!

25.11.2013 11:54

Every 9/11 conspiracy theory was thoroughly debunked years ago!

9/11 was NOT an inside job!

Every so called "Fact" about 9/11 has been debunked a long time ago!

25.11.2013 14:40

Every so called "Fact" about 9/11 has been thoroughly debunked a long time ago! See this series of videos!

9/11 was NOT an inside job!

Vested Interests

25.11.2013 15:49

Anyone with half a brain knows there is something awfully suspect about 911.

The JFK assassination and MLK junior assassinations were also shrouded in mystery and misinformation. More recently we have the 2008 global financial meltdown that saw the banks, financial institutions and their shareholders being bailed out with trillions of dollars of taxpayers money. Then the general public in America and Europe are told that it was all their fault and now have to suffer austerity measures.

There seems to be common denominators in all these tragedies and scandals. The rich and powerful prosper and the people lose more freedoms, civil rights and slide further into hunger, homelessness and poverty everyday. We seem to be heading for some sort of neo-feudalism.

Perhaps that's why certain groups panic when they see people asking serious questions and are no longer prepared to swallow the public relations swill. These self-interested groups who often claim charitable motives are about to be exposed.


Debunked ?

25.11.2013 17:18

From your reference at :

" In all the history of high-rise fires, not one has ever had its steel columns which hold lateral load sheared off by a 767. In all the history of high-rise fires, not one has ever been a building which had its vertical load bearing columns in its core removed by an airliner."

Had the lateral/vertical load bearing columns been removed by a crashing airliner, the building (or at least the floors above) would have collapsed immediately, hours afterwards.

"In all the history of high-rise fires, not one has ever been without some fire fighters fighting the fires."

Many high rise buildings have burned for days without collapsing see this one for instance :

If you want to read what architects and engineers are saying about the physics of 911, then read the Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth site at :

Concerning building 7, this page : implies there were no firefighters tackling the building 7 blaze :

"In all the history of high-rise fires, not one has ever been without some fire fighters fighting the fires."

whereas this page : when trying to explain the 'pulled building" quote states :

"There were four engines and at least three trucks." designated for building 7 and "But they had a hoseline operating."

So your debunking site is debunking itself! I'd look for more consistent evidence, if I were you.

I could go on, but I feel people should do their own research and I have far better things to research at the minute.


ffs get over yourselves

26.11.2013 08:48

Who knows for sure? Thats the crux of all conspiracy theories.

And yet, there's no controversy about the facts surrounding the subsequent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. America and Britain went on to murder upwards of 2million Iraqis after 9/11.

Why don't you start making some noise about that?


Look to the future not the past

26.11.2013 19:47

With all due respect I think you need to start thinking about the future and not dwelling on the past. Yes we can learn from history but we can't change what happened. However careful analysis of what the State and Capitalists are up to now could help to shape the future in a positive way for us all.


More dumb trolling on the 9-11 issue

05.12.2013 14:54

I know for sure steel framed buildings don't free fall when attacked by office fires.

We live in the "Post 9-11 World" without understanding the creation myth of that World you're acting in a vacuum of ignorance.

"Why don't you start making some noise about that?"

Why do you assume that I/they don't?