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Who needs anti-Semites when we've got Bibi?

Robert Weber | 24.11.2013 11:59 | Anti-Nuclear | Anti-racism | Repression | Liverpool | Oxford

This time it’s true: Israel really is trying to manipulate the U.S. into going to war. Who can disagree any longer that Israel is out to push America into war – and is putting on quite a show of it, too? The Obama administration is trying to neutralize Iran’s nuclear program diplomatically, and Bibi Netanyahu and the Israel lobby are the unquestioned, highest-possible-profile leaders of the campaign to stop them. Netanyahu is all over TV around the world, beating the drum against this “very, very bad deal” being put together in the Geneva talks, which resume Wednesday.

His American-accented emissary Naftali Bennett is walking the halls of Congress, right in the White House’s face, lobbying senators and congress members to crank up the sanctions on Iran. Meanwhile, AIPAC and the rest of the Israel lobby, of course, are blasting away with the same theme. ...... more ............ by Larry Derfner

Robert Weber


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Calm down dear

24.11.2013 17:59

"Who can disagree any longer that Israel is out to push America into war "


Anybody with a brain and at least a half understanding of global politics and the reality of how the world is structured.

Laughing at you

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