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Anonymous | 17.11.2013 22:10

After the threats from Jeremy Scahill and Owen Jones, Mother Agnes has withdrawn from Stop the War Coalition antiwar conference.

Research carried out by Owen Jones.
Research carried out by Owen Jones.

"Seen Mother Miriam speak twice, FAR from "pro-Assad" & even praises Syrian rebels, she's about PEACE THRU RECONCILIATION why silence that?" Mike Prysner

Mother Agnes has withdrawn from the Stop the War Coalition. According to Mike Prysner @MikePrysner who is an Iraq war veteran and activist, Jeremy Scahill has caved into pressure from the Anti Assad lobby in the US.

You can read the letter from Mother Agnes to Stop The War informing her that she is withdrawing.

Mother Agnes also give this media interview while on a tour of the US

Mairead Maguire is a Nobel Peace Laureate and a co-founder Peace People wrote this piece about Mother Agnes



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from the horses mouth

18.11.2013 12:49

"so-called revolution... so-called rebels .. etc etc"

watch the interview yerself if ya don't believe me
