Russell Brand + Caroline Lucas Join Anonymous Protests
Info_War | 05.11.2013 21:08 | Public sector cuts
400 Anonymous demos taking place-world-wide! News coverage of the Guy Fawkes Night demo in London.......................
Anonymous protest grows in Parliament Square -
Russell Brand joins Anonymous protesters -
Caroline Lucas joins Anonymous protest -
Anonymous Protesters Clash with Police -
Anonymous Protests in More Than 400 Locations Globally -
Please post-up faces and shoulder IDs of POLICE. Please DON'T post images that could be used to ID protestors...............
Russell Brand joins Anonymous protesters -
Caroline Lucas joins Anonymous protest -
Anonymous Protesters Clash with Police -
Anonymous Protests in More Than 400 Locations Globally -
Please post-up faces and shoulder IDs of POLICE. Please DON'T post images that could be used to ID protestors...............
Hide the following 37 comments
Wow, a millionaire egotist and a revolutionary green...
06.11.2013 12:45
Celebrity lover
Not sure about Thomas. I will have to check..
06.11.2013 15:15
Celebrity lover
06.11.2013 16:03
Why should anyone take them seriously, they have little or no life experience and working class people who are the real victims look at these State subsidised Students and bums with contempt.
Fireworks hit Buckingham Palace
06.11.2013 16:35
Responses to trolls
06.11.2013 16:42
FACT - when protestors are ordinary people they're dismissed as lay-abouts, when they're successful or even celebrities they're dismissed as egotists. It's obvious that people who have less commitments tend to be over-represented on week-day protests (it ain't rocket science), it's also well-known the Anonymous movement contains a much higher-than-average proportion of IT professionals
Fuck off back to the Daily Mail
Russell Brand
06.11.2013 16:45
The NHS belongs to the people
Russell Brand
06.11.2013 16:56
The head of the march
06.11.2013 16:59
Energy & food prices soaring
Head of march (photo ripped from the web)
Jean, the extra publicity will do what exactly?
06.11.2013 17:37
Barry Cade
The extra publicity will do what exactly?
06.11.2013 19:20
There is no "millionaire celebrity adoration"
06.11.2013 19:21
try to keep up ;)
A message to the Metropolitan Police....
06.11.2013 19:23
Pensioners who'll be killed by energy companies this winter
06.11.2013 19:41
Message for Sherlock - we live in a world where, because of the proliferation of zero-hours contracts, serial internships, poor union representation and exploitative employment practices, hundreds of millions of working-class people struggle to hold down a full time-job. The only people who treat the victims of capitalism with the level of contempt that you express are the capitalists... and you... you cunt
Let's get this straight, it's the oldest cop / fash / right-wing trick in the book - bleat "workerist" bollocks to try to set radical demonstrators against each other. If people like you were for real you'd use this opportunity to post comments about the working-class students who took to protest after their EMA was axed mid-course by the Coalition government (many of whom were on the demos last night), or about the working-class pensioners who'll be killed by the energy companies this winter, but, no, you're more interested in posting divisive comments about people who actually bothered
Here's a deal? You go away and prove your case by successfully agitating for working class revolution, and maybe work so hard on that project that you find you've no time left for posting divisive bullshit on this forum, perhaps?!
and last night changed things yeh? ...
06.11.2013 21:13
Barry Cade
Did last night change things?
06.11.2013 22:09
As for Russell Brand, to be fair, love him or loathe him, he was photographed attending (in fact jumping on top of a police van at) Mayday demos before he got famous, he did get millions of people to watch his programme ripping the piss out of the BNP (years before he joined yesterday's demo), he was seen predicting revolution by millions of viewers on Newsnight recently, and (according to The Independent) the You Tube of the Newsnight interview's had over 7 million hits..... as opposed to the number of people who flood-in to act upon your genius-level totally-non-cloud-cuckoo pronouncements about how you'd really much rather have your personally-preferred style of currently non-existent revolution?! Right?!
@ Barry Cade
@ Celebrity lover
06.11.2013 22:29
I think you assume that corporate media coverage .....
06.11.2013 22:29
Barry Cade
@ Questions
06.11.2013 22:36
Celebrity lover
07.11.2013 12:09
Always that same old moan 'I bet none of them have ever had a real job'
If you can't say anything productive, don't say anything.
Reality Check
07.11.2013 13:58
To anon
Audience of millions
07.11.2013 14:40 -
Russell Brand on Newsnight, nearly 9 million hits, over 80,000 thumbs up -
Those millions exist in the real world, btw
The real world
80,000 Thumbs up?
07.11.2013 14:49
Barry Cade
Responses to trolls
07.11.2013 14:56
@ Celebrity lover - so, anyone who points out you were lying to describe Caroline Lucas as a "revolutionary" is a "dick" are they? Get a life!
@ Barry Cade - you "think" that I "assume that corporate media coverage will effect change"?! It's you that's doing the assuming pal, and it's the fact that (as you say) "most people will be stuck to their reality tv" etc which makes successful publicity stunts like Anonymous demos relevant, Sherlock. As for your contempt for working-class people, it's you who describe the people as "sheeple" - QED. Far be it from me to give right-wing trolls potentially useful advice, but if you're going to pretend to be a genuine radical, try and disguise your hatred for ordinary people you pointless fuck
@ Reality Check - you speculate that "90% of the protestors know f**k all about what life is like in the real world" on the basis of WHAT evidence (other than your X-ray powers)? Meanwhile the actual reality out there is that in the real-world hundreds of millions of working-class people struggle to even aspire to secure full-time employment, but obviously they don't count?
@Laughing.... bo ho, did I hurt your feelings by....
07.11.2013 15:09
You mate are the middle class clueless ass unable to tell left wing from right wing. Go back to your tv, jeremy kyle is on soon...
Barry Cade
Russel pulls in more people...
07.11.2013 17:07
We need the people who read the sun or heat magazine to see what's really going on in the world, and Russell subtle comments on TV/twitter are the sort of thing that works, of course most of the elitist non hierarchal vegan anarcho fascist won't approve unless the revolution meets they're own goals, fuck them.
Jo blogs
Q to jo bloggs!
07.11.2013 17:33
Could you explain that statement, show some examples and share with us how exactly it works!!
non elitist non hierarchal vegetarian anarcho
Occupy the bbc?
07.11.2013 18:49
Several years ago, I heard of a group of internet pranksters who were annoying the Church of Scientology, 4 chan/Anonymous we're regularly picketing the church's bookshops in London, the stories of direct action I heard were hilarious, through connected friends... 'One bloke ran into a Scientology bookshop and rubbed his fresh seamen over several books before running off', abusive bizarre phone calls, pizza deliveries and demos which featured non stop Rick Ashley, on a set of speakers, a hoard of goth teens wearing anime cosplay outfits, when I said "why target Scientology?" One of them replied "cause it's a laugh..."
They're attitude was so out of this world, even myself a rowdy bastard found it hard to understand.
gradually in 2010 with the student movement in full swing anonymous took different direction towards government, backed with Charlie Veitch etc... I liked this as I was aware of the potential of Anonymous, and in my wrecking crew there were two lads we took on who were previously picketing Scientology.
Eventually Occupy sprung up, whilst most anarchos in the UK were lying low due to an attempted revolution in Tottenham that Summer, it was a perfect time to see a new generation spring up with they're own interpretation of the rules.
However not wanting to sound rude, I feel Occupy sucked the rowdiness out of the UK activist scene, Occupy London did little to shut the city down, it just made a joke out of a movement, why do we actually have to camp out in the city?
Democracy Village in parliament square in 2010 proved that all those camp sites do is make you dependant on the nearest Starbucks toilet.
Why waste all of your resources building a shanty town outside St. Paul's?
I won't talk about the media assault or undercover cops or complete lawless of the site. Or the naive attitude of the people...
Your surrounded by CCTV, any activist who set foot in there would of had they're photo taken, and any wifi signals would of been scrutinised, your basically painted a massive red target for Special Branch and you've said "come and get it"...
and I'm sure they have taken it.
Call me old fashioned, but we're is the spontaneous attitude?
What's wrong with building up a good 12 volt car battery sound system and playing some noisy music and inviting the youth of London to a 'careers day' in the city?
Like Vice magazine said, the mask you insist on wearing says your a group of graphic novel enthusiasts who don't trust the real world.
Every event you organise someone gets a lightbulb idea of camping out for 24 hours, YAWN.
Instead of 24 hours with a guaranteed warm police cell waiting, why not try to get the protest done in a shorter amount of time... Like 2 hours?
Make a good video, one which will go viral.
do you really have to use the Requiem for a Dream soundtrack for every video?
Why not drop a bit of UK Bass into the video, emphasise a few snippets of what Russel Brand said, and try to make the video look like something the kids are going to be interested in...
Or that 'fuck the Tories' song which was on Twitter last week...
On the morning of the day, a few small groups could visit the main media offices, like BskyB at Victoria, ItN at Southbank and do some small protests, then the main group meeting at Portland street.
We meet at Portland Street outside the BBC office, chuck a few paint bombs then move on, highly mobile, leaderless, come up with some sort of game, capture the flag...
Imagine 5000 masked up teenagers running around Oxford street, the media would be all over it, or a game of football in Oxford circus, no goal posts, 17 footballs, with a sound system in the background, the cops would be spread out allover the Westend as the mob pickets shops over Workfare/UK Uncut or an army recruitment office, and brakes up into smaller bands, maybe a few bin bags are dumped in the road to slow the flow of traffic? It's a Saturday, tourists, Londoners and pickpockets are the audience, make a real street theatre.
Bring traffic to a standstill all over the centre of London
Invite anti war groups, and even the Swp, and the unions who still have backbone.
My favourite demos in London are always ones away from Whitehall and the City, and in places where normal people are, Hackney, Brixton, the West-end, lots of sprinting down backstreets...
Of course if Anonymous published an official press release the news room editors would have a chance to decide if it's a story, tell them Russel Brand is coming...
One final idea for Anonymous, before the big event each day work out where the day's media scrum is in London, and go there and interrupt live news report, always a laugh, do that to the Sky News , BBC, ItN crews who cover events in London, and post your results online...
See you in the streets,
Please share this on any blogs/social media you like....
Jo blogs
To the non hierarchal vegan etc...
07.11.2013 18:54
Like most people he ain't perfect, but he cares about the world.
Jo blogs
Response to Jo Blogs.....
07.11.2013 20:33
non elitist non hierarchal vegetarian anarcho
@jo bloggs. Sorry to burst your bubble dude...
07.11.2013 21:34
With respect
I'm naive?
08.11.2013 04:42
I'm doing my bit to try to contribute to the movement, I'm in a shitty little council flat working two different part time jobs with zero job security, my flat is fucking freezing, I'm wearing jumper, I'm listening to LBC or Radio 4.
My partner who earns less than me, and is dependant on me, recently they are telling me I have no ambition in life.
We've got problems with the housing benefit, problems with the UKBA, they're ain't no one in the UK really defending the poor or me!
Like I said before about the box ticking 'vegan', 'non hierarchal' , vanguard activists it a group of selfish people who simply want to control others and suck the life out of the movement.
Maybe I need to go back to the Anarchist Bookfare and confess my sins and beg for acceptance, and pick up a million other pamphlets, or Maybe I should give up activism for good and do anything to get rich.
On the night of that Million Mask March, I had-to work as an events crew member, supposed to finish at 11 but the VIP event went on late, and I didn't finish packing up till 2am, and I wasn't home until 3:30am. I only get paid for the hours I work, if I don't like it, it's London, it's multicultural, there are a million other desperate people who will do it.
but at least Russel was there, and he wanted to try to get other people to participate.
Do remember when he showed up at at the G20 in London, the journalists were really at his throat. He has opinions and it's democracy which you cherish so much which he is exercising.
Jo blogs
08.11.2013 04:59
Everyone I work with tells me how pissed off they are with the government, but if I mention protests they just don't get it.
It's something that's been programmed out of them.
You might of guessed it I am part of the mythological 99 percent, the working class, lower income etc.
These people however chat at work about Russels comments, they have all seen the newsnight video, and they all agree with it.
He does more for defending the poor than the Anarchist Bookfare or Occupy London could ever do cause he has got that issue into peoples living rooms...
He ain't a box ticking anarchist, but he has his opinions, and it's not a dictatorship. Good luck to him.
Jo blogs
Jo blogs you talk shite!
08.11.2013 09:16
Working class lad..
To Reality Check
08.11.2013 11:26
In my experience people who go around preaching about Real Life usually don't know a bean about it.
Feel free to have the last word on this. I have things to do.
Fuck off
09.11.2013 08:52
Infact I think indymedia and occupy are a waste of time, cause let's face it they ain't changing nothing...
Jo blogs
Measure Anonymous success in the desperation of right-wing trolls
09.11.2013 10:03
We can measure the success of Anonymous actions in the desperation of the right-wing trolls
Get a life
Fantastic action in Cardiff
09.11.2013 10:22