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bnp member dentist, now running practice in Glasgow

bryan | 27.10.2013 19:57

Just do a search on finbar francis bryson& his membership of bnp+
He has run afew bard & clubs in nottingham within the alternative scene,until exposed,Now running

Be good to be find out If he is still supporting bnp& their politics& If he hasnt changed or cant be persuaded,boycott him again.



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28.10.2013 00:42

Or just leave him alone!?


Who are the real fascists?

28.10.2013 05:09

A man possibly a member of a legal political party, conducting a legal and socially useful profession in a democracy. Only fascists would object to that. Or do you have evidence that he refuses to treat non-white or non-British patients?

Reality Check

Or perhaps

28.10.2013 13:29

No one is stopping him from running his dental business, however potential patients who use this site also have the right to know whether or not they are receiving dental treatment from a member of a fascist political party with a history of launching physical attacks on members of minority communities, trade unionists, equality activists, homosexual community members, terrorism, financial impropriety, violence and other assorted nasties.


@ Brian

29.10.2013 01:36

Yes it would be good to be find out If he is still supporting bnp & their politics etc

AFTER you've bothered to find out whether this is the case, THEN present your evidence on Indymedia, but UNTIL you've bothered to do that, don't use this site for what (until you've provided hard evidence) remains scurrilous gossip


there are websites etc &100%verification he was a BNPmember&actively campaigns

30.10.2013 19:00

since on e.europeans&muslims, the jews were a different colour, the BNP are 100%supporters of Hitler, he joined them in his 30's as educated dentist knowing that!.

I live well south of the border,
anyway the onus is on Finbar bryson to prove100%he has changed,
&also for him to avoid the activist scene,since he was exposed he generally spoke out against muslims+ he continued to run companies trying to make money out of the alternative community.

This isnt a request to speak to the BDA british dental association-union, or do actions, this is a headsup for those in the Glasgow community to find out whats happening.

Accusations against those merely giving headsup as fascistsor witchhunters is from a BNP defender are laughable, my family survived nazi camps&nazi occupied europe,RIP to all those who died on all sides&shame on anyone who supports ideologies like Nazism,STalinism or Wahabbi's&any type of violent hateful extremism.

I hope he changed, until then this is a heads up to either avoid or find out whats happening, hopefully he has changed, I hope so, but besides repeated evidence of his BNP&extreme views,he also ran his club like a small time gangster.
There were those in Nottingham who were prepared& wanted him buried&who were sadly vfully capable, but myself&other activists generally spoke out&speak out against that.

Being humanitarian though only works if people are informed&act as humanely as possible.
