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Smash EDO Halloween spooktacular to be a royal occasion!

Spooky | 25.10.2013 11:16

The Halloween event at EDO factory in Moulscombe will be held on 31 October 2013. On the same day the royals will be at Moulsecombe for the opening of The Keep. Is this coincidence or will they be joining in the Smash EDO demo?

Smash EDO are holding their Halloween event as they have posted on this site:

At the same time and place, 31 October, Halloween night, the royals will be opening The Keep, the new archives for East Sussex:

Two for the price of one so they say!



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The 'Royal' Family Are Warlords

25.10.2013 15:18

See how they parade in military uniforms on state occasions and are surrounded by hundreds of bodyguards, uniformed and plainclothes.

Everything they have has been stolen from the people, along with their lickspittles 'the aristocracy' who received stolen land in return for favours of one kind or another.

Since the 17the & 18th centuries the 'royal' and 'aristocratic' families have interbred with the merchant bankers... now they are one and the same. The 'old boy' network spreads all around the world like a spider's web.

They are the major shareholders in all central banks and multi-national corporations... many of them based in America. Americans think they broke free from the city of London, but they didn't... the federal reserve is owned by this globalist scum.

They print money form thin air... the more they print, the more inflation they create. When currency is devalued, it is theft... a hidden tax. Ordinary people who work for this system are fools... they are working to enslave their own grandchildren.



26.10.2013 12:39

Don't you ever shut up?



26.10.2013 14:32

As long as their is corruption and injustice in this world...

There will be people like myself to do and say all that is within our power to bring sanity, morality and justice whenever we can.

Got a problem with that?


Klamber - be warned

28.10.2013 09:32

Be careful everyone, Klamber has told people on other threads how he is a former soldier and can kill anyone he wants with his secret SAS skills.

We think this maybe him

Klamber watch