Calais Migrant Solidarity callout
A.spoke | 15.10.2013 13:07
Winter is coming, shelter is a priority in Calais. The police have evicted and destroyed almost our shelter – buildings, camps, tents – in the past weeks.
There are empty buildings all over Calais town. We need people to come and open and secure them! We need people with skills and energy to join and support our resistance to this border.
Calais Migrant Solidarity have squatted a social centre, as it gets colder, more and more people are trying to sleep in it. Whilst we try to keep it a safe space for vulnerable people and people working on the ground, it’s getting over filled.
If you have a few days, a week or a month come to Calais. We recommend to come with friends, your affinity group, or make contact with people on the ground and find out when others will be around. Tools and resources are available in the Calais Migrant Solidarity/No Border space. Legal information about French law in relation to opening buildings is also available.
Pfffffffff…… The police also broke into our store of blankets/sleeping bags and sprayed them with gas making them unusable. We need supplies, if you are able to arrange a drop off or start collecting tat contact us.

Communications phone: 0033645465986 Blog for all info:

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