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Did you hear the one about the Casuals United in Bristol?

Casual observer | 13.10.2013 20:31 | Anti-racism | South Coast

Casuals United disco disappointment in Bristol - Embarassing without even getting on the dancefloor!

A very amusing day was had by antifascists in Bristol yesterday as the Casuals United gave us an exemplary demonstration of total irrelevance. Their "loads... heading for Bristol" (er... last count was 8 of them!) were clearly a figment of an overactive facebook fantasy. We did have a seriously good look around for them but "all the Bristol lads" and the "loads swerving Bradford" to come to Bristol were conspicuous by their absence at both the English Disco Lovers flash mob in the day and their dance night that evening. What we did see was a group of 8 looking a bit lost in the Galleries shopping mall, taking photos of an anti racist shopfront and promptly retreating to the nearby Bayhorse pub when things started getting a bit edgy (i.e. when 2 mall security guards showed a bit of interest and got on their radios). The Bayhorse pub, it should be noted, is the closest pub to New Bridewell cop shop, so a good choice for anyone seeking to avoid any trouble or feel safe drinking next door to the police. They tried to put a brave face on, but the look of the day was very much, "Is this it?". Very disappointing. Still, in cloud casual cuckooland it can all still be tweeted and claimed as a victory and the mismatch between what they say and what actually went on is hilarious as in their minds they heroically closed down the "disco shop". However, despite a walk by and a few photos taken by what we can only assume is the Casuals' finest (all 8 of them!), the shop, staffed, seemingly, by a few young students, remained open. You can polish yer trainers, but you can't polish a turd, lads!
Then it was on to the main event, the target for the brave patriots of Casuals United.....
a disco in Old Market put on by the hipsters of the English Disco Lovers. We waited, checked a lot of surrounding pubs, waited a bit more... and then had a good laugh and a drink to what has become of the Casuals United. A big no show! We had more trouble at our school discos! Timewasters! We'd be interested to see how they can delude up a win from this one. We thought we could hear Tiffany's "I think we're alone now" as we left and were tempted to go in and ask the DJ to dedicate "So Macho" by Sinitta to the Casuals Unliked.
We can understand if they didn't feel like coming back to Old Market after their last visit and public shoeing last July and we could sympathise with any self respecting casual who has a sudden realisation of the futility of attacking a disco but Casuals, entertainment value aside, please try not to waste our time like this again. It's almost enough to make us not take the threat of fascism seriously any more. Well, not really. If ever they do try to organise in this city they'll see how serious we can take them, and we don't just mean on the dancefloor.
Sometimes disco, always antifascist!

Casual observer
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Hide the following 22 comments

Casuals united bottled it as per usual

13.10.2013 21:03

Once casuals united saw the size and ferocity of the opposition they fled Bristol in a state of absolute terror.

Anton Levy

English Disco lovers

13.10.2013 21:09

English Disco Lovers couldn`t smash a pansy.



13.10.2013 21:11

Bristol is thought of as second only to Brighton in Antifa terms, I was on Twitter all day yesterday and the fascists were tweeting the pubs they were in all day, so why were they not confronted? Especially if there were only 8 of them? As the tweets say there were 40? Lying discredits our cause, lets face it if there were only 8 surely they could have easily been removed? Especially if they are telling us where they are?

Serious comment

Casuals United glueing pages together in Cardiff University text books

14.10.2013 13:46

Doctorate in Marshology
Doctorate in Marshology

Casuals United reduced to... glueing pages together in Cardiff University text books!

Quote - "Constant dripping water will wear away a rock"? Maybe, if you can afford to wait 10,000 years! :)



14.10.2013 17:44

That is shocking has anyone reported this to the University? Do we know her name?


Casual embarrassment

14.10.2013 17:44

The big, brave hooligans of 'Casuals' United haven't even mentioned their outing at the weekend yet, even though they spent a good week massaging their egos and bigging it up on facebook in the run up. Now the laughable twats have challenged Antifa to a fight (with a ref) on Facebook. See you by the school gates at 15.30. Oh my days... :D

C@sual spotter

I just saw

14.10.2013 18:01

That they are now saying they are going to counter the next one in Brixton. Good luck with that lol



14.10.2013 18:03

For a self-proclaiming news site, this 'article' is very, very biased towards the anti-fasc
It is like reading something out of a tabloid, except 100 times worse

It is so biased, i don't know what and what not to believe

It is an insult to the word: News

ill informed

@ill informed

14.10.2013 20:13

Let's have your version of events then?

can't wait!

Ill informed

15.10.2013 09:42

You are aware that this news site is predominately aimed at the left/anarchist end of the political spectrum? Its hardly likely to promote Marshole's Causalities in a positive manner now is it? Think it through.
Plus the poster who asked why AFN didn't remove the 8 Casually crap dressers - if you look through the article you will notice that the 8 drank as close to Bridewell as is possible. Given Marshhole's propensity to run to the cops whenever he feels threatened its a safe bet to believe that this is standard operating procedure for the rest of the Casuals Untied (why else would they be skulking around a police station?) and who wants to get arrested on account of 8 cowards who can't even get it together to threaten a student disco?


Is this the best....

15.10.2013 10:41

that Marshy has to offer............... a ditty little photo-montage?

Blimey he's normally frothing at the mouth over stuff like this....... must be well humiliated!

Kev Scott

Marshy's best

15.10.2013 14:06

Not just ANY old photo-montage mind you, but a photo-montage featuring a bloke in a blue baby-grow suit who clearly needs an urgent trip to the gents toilet ;)


You do know

17.10.2013 07:35

You do know that Casuals United as it exists today has nothing to do with Joe (Jeff) Marsh don't you? Hes not been running that outfit for a long time. The leader today is a girl from Essex called Suzy "Marsh" and the main ones causing all the shit are females. They move the lads theyve got around like chess figures.True facts. By harping on about one person whose not even involved anymore you are showing yourself as clueless and no doubt they are laughing at you


jeffrey marshbubbles

17.10.2013 12:23

marsh and his causal are nothign, were nothing and never will be. he is a fat old sad hooligan hwo most firms avoid or see as a joke. the casuals are him, kylie and chardonnay fantasising that they have some sway. if even 'sir tommy' thinks marsh is a joke then they are truly nothing. see you fat boy!

- Homepage:


17.10.2013 16:30

So what you are saying then is that what Tommy the twat says is to be relied on? The fella is the scum of the earth and slates anyone he does not agree with. If thousands of people weren't hanging on his every word on twitter he'd fade into insignificance. As it is hes got years of winding people like you up ahead of him. Oh, and your spelling and grammar are shocking mate, you make us look stupid you prick


Casuals United still very much Jeff Marsh's baby

18.10.2013 00:41

Jeff Marsh is unique among EDL organisers in that (in view of his criminal record) he keeps a very low profile within the EDL itself and virtually never goes on EDL demos

So, leading from the rear as always, sure Jeff Marsh gets some impressionable (in this case female) cannon-fodder to do the typing for him - all the more so, as a fair-weather leader, when he needs to let other people take the flak for his organisation's pitiful failures, but Casuals United still very much Jeff Marsh's baby

Card yfdox

I heard

18.10.2013 07:13

that his is living in Spain do we have further details?

Antifa Spain

Marshy the bellend

18.10.2013 12:00

That cowardly cunt Jeff Marsh still runs the Casuals United (I avoid using "organises as that fat waste of space couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery) but has found that he can't handle the flack he gets as a result of his involvement, after narrowly avoiding a shoeing from Brighton Anarchists, receiving threats from fellow Cardiff fans who claim he has sold out to the English and having the shit ripped out of him from all angles for being a fat useless nazi he pretends to have quit the group and gets young girls to pretend to run it for him.



20.10.2013 14:01

Its a crying shame that over the years they have become so clued up on facebook that they are posting material you fuckers would cream in your pants to get but you cant as they have established who can be trusted and who cant. The stuff I see every day and I think "Commies would love this" yet none of it appears on your sites, Haha Im gonna write "must try harder" on your report card


@ Duffy

21.10.2013 09:43

So you're saying that the highest achievement the Casuals have to offer is that they have written stuff on facebook that we would like to see but can't.

Wow, I'm so impressed....