GM Food And Toxins,
Ann Arky's Blog | 07.10.2013 22:55
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Ann Arky's Blog
Original article on IMC Scotland:
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Glyphosate screws gut bacteria.
08.10.2013 06:36
Anthony Samsel and Stephanie Seneff.
Downloadable from :
Also, very accessible mp3 audio of Stephanie explaining possible implications, with interviewer adding reported observations relating to guts of slaughtered, gm fed animals, and autism symptoms 'clearing up' (anecdotal):
wget direct from linux command line, or go to , first hour of episode 657.
Thanks again to Robin Upton, for sharing.
Basically, glyphosate kills your gut bacteria, and/or the bacteria start making other stuff. This interferes with your brain and body. Draw your own conclusions.
Stephanie Senef.