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Yellowism Under Attack. Art movement responds to the Tat

Free Yellowism | 02.10.2013 13:06

Yellowists hit back at Tate's misrepresentative "Art Under Attack" with their own London exhibition

The controversial Yellowism art movement will open an exhibition in Kings Cross tonight to coincide with the opening of the Tate Britain’s 'Art Under Attack' exhibition.

The show – Dada’s Little Bitch – is intended to offer a response to what the Yellowists fear will be a misrepresentation of their movement in the Tate, the place where Yellowism artist Vladimir Umanets defaced a Rothko painting last year. Whilst the Tate show claims to chart the history of iconoclasm from "Henry VIII to the assault in the name of Yellowism" not one representative from the movement was approached by the Tate leading to fears that “Art Under Attack” will not offer a proper representation of the meaning and motivation of Yellowism.

Cheryl Tulloch curator of “DADA’s Little Bitch” said today:

“The fact that the Tate pursued a prosecution of Umanets for criminal damage and have classifying his work as iconocalsm to suit the narrative of Art under Attack has stirred us into action. If they had contacted us we could have explained how Yellowists personify the maverick outliers and the disruptive innovaters that have been responsible for ensuring that the art world does not turn into a self-referential cul-de-sac…Yellowists are the kind of people that today’s art and educational systems are unlikely nurture and yet are essential to our future national success as one of the art capitals of the world.

The exhibition will bring together some of the most exciting, talented and ambitious artists from the UK and internationally including Marcin Lodyga and Vladimir Umanets (founders of Yellowism), who is unable to attend the exhibition due to the fact that he is still serving the last 3 months of his two years sentence.

Yellowist artist Ben Smith said today

“Whilst the Tate will provide a dry academic context for Yellowism, “DADA’s Little Bitch” will provide a living example of what Yellowism means and how this enigmatic and misunderstood movement is helping to shape the future of art by creating a new space for expression.”

Speaking from Maidstone prison today Unamets said:

“I am disappointed that I won’t be able to attend Dada’s Little Bitch but I am very pleased that this important exhibition – the first of its kind - is taking place. Yellowism is an exciting movement which should not be dismissed. It undercuts all art theory, all art criticism and privileges the work of ‘art or anti-art’ itself meaning that it will have to live, or die in the chamber based purely on its aesthetic worth and feeling it generates in the viewer on viewing. This mystical shift empowers the artist, now Yellowist to create for the sake of creation, free from need for interpretation, or explanation. This is what makes Yellowism unique and a genuine break with postmodernist thinking”

“DADA’s Little Bitch at The Freak Sister Chamber” opens on October 2nd 2013 in Kings Cross, WC1H.

A portion of the profits made from the sale of works will go to Vladimir Umanets appeal and Graffiti and art workshops for young people.

Read Manifesto (

PRIVATE VIEW - 6pm - 9pm

Firebox Cafe, 106 Cromer Road, Kings Cross, WC1H 8B

Sponsors include Pernod-Absinthe cocktails / Giftbags from Writers Bench

To book your:


1. Dada’s Little Bitch is intended to show that Umanets action was not in vain. Whilst dismissed by some as vandalism his bold statement was intended to delineate a new territory outside conventional artistic boundaries. While he maybe incarcerated Yellowist’s are springing up all over the globe and creating works to take Yellowism movement to the next level, this alongside the works that Umanets has created in prison will be showcased together in this extradinary exciting exhibition.

2. Yellowists are the artists that are not nurtured by the narrow art and educational establishment but are vital for artistic growth/expression etc. to ensure a vibrant and relevant artistic scene.

3. Artists exhibiting will include: Marcin Lodyga, George Morton – Clarke, Frant-Pretscher, Benjamin Murphy, Pastiche Lumumba, Becky Frost and Joanna Sciziowiz to name a few) as well as some lesser-known talents.

4. The theme of the exhibition – Free Yellowism - alludes in part to the demand for freeing of the Yellowist Umanets from his imprisonment however, but also seeks to free Yellowism to become an abstract context and mode of expression that is open to everyone.

5. What is Yellowism - Yellowism is the realisation that the highest creative thing left to do in art is the act of leaving it's territory altogether and manifesting things in a new unexplored space:

Free Yellowism


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02.10.2013 20:52

Come on now you artistic types must realise duck egg blue is where all its at now.

Confused of...


03.10.2013 13:21

Yellowists are essential to maintaining 'our' status as a capital of the art world. You said it. Now move along please, nothing to see here, and (please) do not consume the corpse etc.
