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Fascist sympathiser Anna Von Hausswolff to play Cube, Bristol

Marit, Kingsdown | 28.09.2013 17:30 | Anti-racism

Anna Von Hausswolff publicly endorsed a terrorist who believes in "tackling anti-racism and those behind it, by all possible means", then refused to apologize

Anna Von Hausswolff, Burzum
Anna Von Hausswolff, Burzum

Burzum Logo
Burzum Logo

Singer Anna Von Hausswolff provoked nationwide outcry in her native Sweden, when Dagens Nyheter (the largest daily newspaper in Sweden) highlighted a photo of the smiling Von Hausswolff wearing a t-shirt advertising the music project Burzum, which is the solo project of Nazi terrorist Krisitian "Varg" Vikernes. After Varg Vikernes was arrested for killing his ex-friend Oystein "Euronymous" Aarseth, Vikernes was found with hundreds of kilos of explosives and thousands of bullets, with which Vikernes planned to kill young people visiting the antifascist and punk Blitz House (left-wing music space, youth centre and vegetarian café) in Oslo, Norway.

Vikernes was given the longest gaol sentence available in Norway - 21 years, including time for arson on 3 churches, which Vikernes destroyed not out of opposition to religion, but out of opposition to Christianity, which Vikernes opposes, partly because he believes Christianity is Jewish. Vikernes gave an interview to the magazine of Nazi music organisation Blood & Honour, and was in contact with the National Socialist Movement of Norway and joined the organisation White Aryan Resistance (aka WAR).

After his arrest, Vikernes associates formed a Nazi-styled paramilitary "Einsatzgruppe", stocking guns and bombs to kill political and religious opponents and to free Vikernes. When, before his scheduled release, Vikernes was granted brief leave from gaol, he hijacked a car, terrorizing 3 innocent persons at gunpoint. After his release, Vikernes was arrested again (then released) after his wife bought 4 guns. Anders Breivik sent Vikernes his manifesto. Vikernes blog says he's currently facing a possible 5-year gaol term for "inciting racial or religious hatred".

When challenged for her endorsement of this Nazi, Anna Von Hausswolff was subject to wide condemnation on social media, and described as an "apolitical idiot" in Swedish newspapers and on TV. She is not apolitical and not strictly an idiot. SVT (Swedish national TV) quotes the Burzum website as advocating (in translation) "bekämpa anti-rasismen och de som ligger bakom den, med alla möjliga medel" - "tackling anti-racism and those behind it, by all possible means", so there's no way endorsing that project's merchandise can be apolitical, and she's intelligent enough to be a degree student in architecture (she's also daughter of an artist whose theft of human ashes from Majdanek death-camp was condemned as "barbaric", as "repulsive", and as "necrophilia", by anti-racist groups and Jewish organisations). Instead of choosing to even try to explain any misunderstanding, to say sorry or to condemn Nazism, when asked, SVT reported that "Anna von Hausswolff har valt att inte kommentera" - "Anna von Hausswolff has chosen not to comment". Anna Von Hausswolff plans to perform in the UK on 15 Oct (Hoxton Bar, London) and 16 Oct (Cube, Bristol).

The Cube, 4 Princess Row, Bristol BS2 8NQ, UK,
+44 (0)117 907 4190

Hoxton Bar, 2 Hoxton Square, London N1 6NU, UK,,
+44 (0)20 7613 0709

Marit, Kingsdown


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All Contact Details: Cube & Mama Group

28.09.2013 18:42

Why not let them all know? Don't send more than 1 email though, it could be considered harrassment.


Address: The Cube, 4 Princess Row, Bristol BS2 8NQ, UK

Phone number: +44 (0)117 907 4190



Address: Mamaco, 59-65 Worship St‎, London, Greater London EC2A 2DU, UK

Venue: Hoxton Bar, 2 Hoxton Square, London N1 6NU, UK

Phone number: +44 (0)20 7613 0709



All emails are those belonging to Cube Cinema and Mama Group. Most people will have no involvement in booking this fascist to play, or knowledge of her intended performance, so they should be grateful to know what they are associated with.


Antifa Research Team

Be polite

28.09.2013 19:32

Your doing these venues a favour by providing them with info about the kind of person they've been tricked into hosting, and it's unlikely their staff would know much if anything about the scandals in Scandanavia, so be polite

Sean M

Casuals United demo, Stokes Croft, 7 Dec?!

28.09.2013 22:46

Casuals United are talking about a fash demo round the corner from the Cube, in Stokes Croft, Dec 7th

No confirmation but something to be aware of


oh for goodness sake

29.09.2013 22:22

You remember when we all thought the Christians were dicks for running around like headless chickens about Marilyn Manson just 'cos he tore up a bible as part of his act? Ha ha ha those dumb Christians falling for it and giving him endless free publicity? How we all thought they were dicks?

She wore a T-shirt once and now you're all getting on the outrage bus. It's just a t-shirt.


@ inks

30.09.2013 11:32

Damn those vicious, nasty, evil anti-racists

They'll be having a go at people for wearing Swastika t shirts & for making Nazi salutes next


A quote,

30.09.2013 14:38

''I am fully aware that other people may have other sensibilities, and I would never go out of my way to provoke them. Naturally I don’t subscribe to the prejudices of others, and I never intended to enter the area of an endless rhetorical debate over an old band shirt. I prefer simply to stay myself, to be as true and honest to my artistic vision as I possibly can, even if it sometimes means opening myself up to the risk of misinterpretation''

Perhaps she is something to avoid.

Perhaps not, and this is all hot air. How many of you ''Out raged'' individuals have looked into this issue any more than this poorly written document?

-As for things her farther has done, I would not be pleased if people made preconceptions about me due to someone else's actions would you?

David Walliams.

It's sales of Burzum shirts etc that help Vikernes buy guns

30.09.2013 16:00

David Walliams (sic) nice try, but it is not "someone else's actions", nor (in reply to the other dick head) is it "only" a shirt - it's an item of merchandise which is designed to visually promote, to earn profits and royalties for, and to advertises a man who's been involved in murder, in terrorism, in armed hijacking and in Nazi propaganda, who is still using his wife to stockpile weapons and who's currently facing charges for denying war-crimes and for racist hate-speech. Lean to read.

It's "celebrity" endorsements of Burzum merchandise that help Burzum to buy guns


Pick your battles (Cable St., Dunkirk, EDL etc.)

09.10.2013 20:13

You must be Nazis because you're hosting the link below and until you deny it I'll have to assume youse all are.


They're everywhere

09.10.2013 21:18

Steve Albini's involved as well? Boycott Shell-ac!



11.10.2013 09:51

Admittedly Albini's a bit of prick, but no, he's not involved, get lost troll


Venues definitely know about Anna Hausswolff promoting this Nazi creep

11.10.2013 12:36

The company who own the Hoxton Bar (music venue) - they're called Mama Co - put an interview with Anna Hausswolff on their website (which is called The Fly). The interviewer asks her about Burzum, admits Burzum's a "loon" who's been done for murder and church-burning, but overlooks Burzum being jailed for armed kidnap and for trying to blow-up an alternative music venue. What a joke!!!!!!

In fact the Mama Co interviewer asks Anna Hausswolff NOT to address the issue of Burzum's politics ("you stirred up a fair amount of media unrest earlier this year when you were photographed in a t-shirt bearing Burzum’s logo ... Leaving politics to one side, are you a fan of black metal?")

The interview shows 1st Anna Hausswolff passed another opportunity to condemn Fascism and to apologize for promoting this Nazi, 2nd Mama Co staff and the Hoxton Bar (same company) knew all along about Hausswolff promoting Burzum
