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Fascists jailed for attack on antifascists

Barry Cade | 27.09.2013 08:25

Scum doing time for gang attack on a few antifascists

Six were today jailed at Liverpool Crown Court while a seventh defendant failed to attend.

Michael Kearns, 41, of Liverpool, Liam Pinkham, 24, of Wallasey, Merseyside, Shane Calvert, 31, of Blackburn, Peter Hawley, 53, of Blackburn, Lancashire, Matthew Coates, 22, of Southport and Steven Dumont, 18, of Liverpool all pleaded guilty to violent disorder at an earlier hearing.

Kearns was sentenced to 14 months imprisonment, Pinkham was jailed for 17 months, Coates was sentenced to 10 months imprisonment and Calvert received a 14 month jail term.

Barry Cade


Sorry here is some background info on the case!

27.09.2013 08:55

The antifascists were ambushed whilst on their way to an anti-fascist benefit gig in Liverpool

The cowardly scum who, in a pre-planned attack, set upon their heavily outnumbered victims on their way to the event.

Let's hope they have a shit time in the nick and they will get their arses kicked upon their release the worthless fuckers...

Barry Cade


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27.09.2013 15:01

It is not as if Anti-fascists don't behave in the same manner. If you are going to be in that sort of Politics you have to take the risks and don't whine about the unfairness and the dastardly tactics of your opponents when you yourself would have gladly done the same.



27.09.2013 16:56

Whats the matter? Havn't you ever seen a hypocrite before?

jimbo's number one fan

@ Jimbo's number one fan

27.09.2013 17:28

Oh dear, did you not do too well in school then. Back to the english class for you illiterate little man!

The Professor
- Homepage:

Makes a change...

27.09.2013 18:32

...they usually get sent down for noncing, having noncy pictures on their computers or grooming their step-daughter's mates. At least this time they punched someone, albeit just some sixth former who happened to be in a band that was playing at a fundraiser.


Compare And Contrast...

27.09.2013 20:34

For 'violent disorder', the longest sentence these arseholes got was 17 months.

Charlie Gilmour got nearly as long for making Big Ears and Mrs Parker-Knoll shit themselves
Omar Ibrahim got nearly as long for throwing a spent smoke bomb at the wall of a Topshop
Ed Woollard got nearly twice as long for throwing a fire extinguisher

Also remember Perry Sutcliffe-Keenan, who got four years for a Facebook page.

The judiciary are our equivalent of the Greek cops, it seems...



27.09.2013 23:30

>> Oh dear, did you not do too well in school then. Back to the english class for you illiterate little man!

Errr.... perhaps it’s a typo rather than deliberate. Did you ever think of that?
Have you never seen anyone mistype when writing something with a keyboard?
What a sheltered little life you must lead.

So, you big and hard with your proof reading skills.
Well here's one for you - they aren't very good!
You wrote "english". It should be written as "English".

Given this for someone is who claims to be the hard-case of proof reading, it is all the more embarrassing. Lol! OWNED!!!!

Another Fan

@ Another Fanny

28.09.2013 12:52

Right on bud!

The Professor

@ Jimbo

28.09.2013 15:15

Some anti-fascists use violent tactics, the vast majority don't. To imply that people who are anti-fascist, ie - everyone who opposes Fascism, should expect to be on the receiving end of violence because of this is effectively endorsing Fascism. You're an idiot


Name and shame

02.10.2013 21:40

Oops I almost said mame and shame. But no just name and shame these fascists. Can someone post up their addresses for those of us who want nothing to do with them.

Miss Chief