Antifascist demo against Golden Dawn! RIP Killah P!
antifaforever | 18.09.2013 22:06 | Anti-racism | London
demo called by Europeans against the political system, for killing of Killah P, anti-fascist & hip-hop artist, by Golden Dawn neo-nazis in Greece.
On the night of September 17th, a 34-year-old man died in the early hours of Wednesday morning after he was attacked by a neonazi (member of Golden Dawn) and subsequently stabbed in Piraeus. The victim has been named as Pavlos Fyssas (who went by the stage name of Killah P.), a hip-hopper involved in the antifascist scene, organising anti-racist concerts and other social activities in the area where he lived. He was stabbed in the chest outside a café at 60 Panayi Tsaldari Avenue in Amfiali, in the Keratsini district of Piraeus, shortly after midnight by a group of neonazis dressed in black and camouflage uniforms. The name of the 45-year murderer of Fyssas appears to be Giorgos Roupakias.
Greeks and antifascists/antiracists in London call for a peaceful demonstration in front of the Greek embassy to condemn the actions of Golden Dawn.
RIP Killah P! Our brother will never be forgotten!
Saturday at 1:00pm
Greek Embassy in London
Greeks and antifascists/antiracists in London call for a peaceful demonstration in front of the Greek embassy to condemn the actions of Golden Dawn.
RIP Killah P! Our brother will never be forgotten!
Saturday at 1:00pm
Greek Embassy in London
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previous article on events transpiring in Greece
18.09.2013 22:10
more info go to:
Fascism In Europe
19.09.2013 06:28
It's worth keeping in mind that just before and after WWII... Britain, America put 'Operation Gladio' into motion. The idea behind Gladio was to counterbalance the communist influence in Europe during the 'Cold War'.
Ironically, after fighting Fascist Germany, Italy, etc... they then recruited many die hard Fascist to form an underground movement... 'Operation Gladio'. Many of the terrorist attacks in Europe during the 1970's and 80's that were blamed on left-wing organisation like the 'Red Brigade', etc... were actually right-wing 'False Flag' operations to turn people away from left-wing ideology, which the ruling elite saw as an existential threat.
I remember during the 1980's when Nick Griffin was arrested on some minor charges, when he was released he had a grin like a Cheshire cat on his face... I suspected then, and still do today that he had been recruited by Mi5... shortly after the BNP seemed to be much better financed and Nick Griffin bough a farm in Wales.
Of course, the right-wing boneheads have to be challenged but I would not sacrifice too much time or effort on them, because I believe they are a diversion... used by the ruling elite to take our minds off more important matters... such as the corrupt banking and political systems.
Do what?
19.09.2013 14:59
Yes. best to stay at home and work on one's theoretical analysis.
GD's stormtroopers may only be footsoldiers... but they are the ones on the streets putting it up to the left all over Greece.
A swift and heavy response is necessary at this moment in time.
Liam O'Mogarlai
Dear all
19.09.2013 16:12
This is a time to stand firm on the streets&with the people& legally patrol areas with or without police assistance .Take photographs,videos etc for a killer nazi watch website & alert the people& law in Greece&the EU. We can do this whilst striving towards fair direct democracy& is more likely to get us there faster than civil war. There are still calls in the Greek media saying Golden Dawn are a legitimate party who should be in a coalition lets defend each other & expose them&make sure they are convicted& illegitimised&dealt with like the violent sociopaths they are,
yours in solidarity,
ex AFA
ex AFA
@ Liam O'Mogarlai
20.09.2013 02:38
Point Taken... but please also keep in mind, that not everyone who feels just as strongly as you do not have the physical, mental or emotional capabilities to be a front-line soldier against fascism.
Many work tirelessly behind the scenes doing whatever they can to raise awareness and strengthen the anti-fascist movement.
It seems to me that most fascists get involved for selfish, rather than, ideological reasons. They join fascist groups for the prestige or material gains they might expect. This to me is their real weakness.