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No Bombing Syria - London Catholic Workers take to the Streets

Giuseppe Conlon House | 01.09.2013 09:35

VID, PHOTOS & REPORT - London Catholic Workers take to the streets & tube station to Stop the Bombing of Syria
End their Wars! Free our Prisoners!
& Report of action in Wrexham

On the brink of another U.S. bombing spree in the Arab world, London Catholic Workers from Giuseppe Conlon House staged an anti-war vigil on Friday at their local tube station Turnpike Lane. The anarchist Catholic Workers decided that it was not time to declare victory and stay home after the Prime Minister’s defeat in Parliament the previous day.

A Catholic Worker stated
“We believe that hope resides in community not in the state. The real decision made about British involvement in yet another U.S. war will not be made in Parliament. Such decisions will be made by people entrenched in power who never face a ballot or a bullet in the wars they initiate.”
The Catholic Worker has hosted many refugees from U.S./ British wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and is now experiencing a wave of Syrian refugees.

The London Catholic Worker has been one of the few groups that has provided on the street solidarity for WikiLeaks publisher Assange and WikiLeaks source Manning over the past three years.

A Catholic Worker reflected
“Both Manning and Assange are in custody of different sorts. They are in trouble for exposing the nature of U.S/British wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. They have been abandoned by those who marched against the wars in 2003. When you march against a war, you implicitly incite civilians and soldiers to nonviolently resist that war. We believe you are therefore obligated to accompany the resister in jeopardy through the courts and jails. We know from our own experiences of imprisonment the significance to the resister of solidarity from the outside. The more solidarity experienced by the prisoner, the easier it is to maintain the resistance in jail. We believe if 1% of those who marched against the war in 2003 had gone into nonviolent resistance to the point of imprisonment and the other 99% who marched had been in proactive solidarity, we could have stopped the war. That would have meant 15,000 anti-war resisters in the 80,000 British prison population that contains 8,000 former members of the British military. As in the United States during the Vietnam War this would have radicalised the jails.”

We encourage people to go to their local tube stations and other public places in their communities to make their feelings known about this war rather than be led into another dead end by the self-appointed leadership of the British anti-war groups.

On Saturday, Catholic Workers joined the London Syrian protest and collected money for Manning’s family towards their prison visiting travel costs to the U.S. and within the U.S.

75 quid was raised by street speaking on the fringe of the rally in London on Saturday. 465 quid was handed over to the family earlier in the week, raised at 4 CW initiated gigs in Brisbane & London.
This is the first donations the family has received from the anti-war movement in
Britain over the last 3 years and 4 orison visits undertaken by the Welsh based family of the prisoner.

Giuseppe Conlon House
- e-mail: ciaronx AT
- Homepage:


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VID - Mainers (U.S.A.) Speak Out Against Bombing Syria

02.09.2013 03:57

VID - Mainers (U.S.A.) Speak Out Against Bombing Syria

I made this video at the protest in Monument Square in downtown Portland, Maine. I only talked to two people who were ambivalent about whether America should do anything in Syria. This is my reply (on the above link) to Portland Press Herald columnist, Bill Nemitz, who made it seem like everyone there backed Obama:

Independent Filmmaker
Woolwich, Maine

Regis Independent Filmmaker Woolwich, Maine

David Frost R.I.P. interview with Assange-now detained 1000days by British state

02.09.2013 06:08

Julian Assange has been detained 1000 days without charge by the British state
- 550 days house arrest, 10 days Wandsworth Prison, 440 days in Embassy.

Al Jazeera archive vid - David Frost R.I.P. interview with Julian Assange

Free Asange! Free Manning! Free Snowden! Free Boertje! Free Walli Free Sr. Rice
- Homepage:

David Frost sold out to become a multi millionaire and part of what he had...

02.09.2013 13:49

previously taken the piss out of ie 'the establishment'. Fucking slime bag. One less wanker in the world! RIP my arse..

Barry Cade

R.I.P. & Barry's happy pills

02.09.2013 17:54

Jaysus Barry,

Ya must have missed ya happy pills today.

R.I.P. was lost it's popular usage in the occupied territories in the North
thanks to the role of Rev Ian Paisley.

I guess Davey won't have a right of reply against Barry that makes him a soft target in any lexicon. But soft targets from anonymous cowardly contributors is that nature of the beast that is UK indymedia I guess.
Knock ya self out boyo!

Frost did get the closest thing to a confession out of Nixon. Not bad for a lifetime's work.
Richard (a Quaker) was impeached for bugging one hotel.
Barack bugs the world.

Free Julian Chelsea and Edward!
Fre yerself Barry!

I was yalkin', when I should have been listenin'

Only God botherers like you Ciaron could spout such delusional..

02.09.2013 20:44

rubbish. Frost paid Nixons fee to appear in the interview knowing he would make millions from selling the rights afterwards. The guy was a capitalist ass licking turd. By the way is Paisleys imaginery boss in the sky different from yours?

Tut tut little man. Off you run now to shine that massive ego of yours!

Barry Cade