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Syria - who used the gas?

Iain Mac | 24.08.2013 00:55

Iain Mac
- Original article on IMC Scotland:


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evidence is not the same as proof

24.08.2013 09:13

Materials implicating Syrian govt in chemical attack prepared before incident


date difference on video could be timezones

24.08.2013 14:10

"Materials implicating Syrian govt in chemical attack prepared before incident"
....except we don't have any proof that they were. Youtube only show the date the videos were uploaded, not the time, and the time zone difference between Syria and the US could explain the difference.

According to a comment on one of the videos:
"its clearly time zone difference Syria is +3 the attack stated at 3 am local time Syria 21/8 which is 12 Zulu time the time in LA is 5 pm 20/8 still 7 hours remaining before the date change to 21st"

So in other words the video would have to be uploaded between 3am Syrian time (the attack) and 10am Syrian time (time at which LA changes date). Which is plausible.


The web of deceit.

24.08.2013 15:18

This is all academic.

You are forgetting that the US started shovelling weapons into Syria which was clearly and widely announced. There was the usual guff annnouncement in the press (which is supposedly independent) folowed by the actual shipping of weapons.

Now the FSA has their weapons supply line, its a simple thing to hide a few canisters in boxes of small weapons munitions or even to tie the shipments together with other munitions coming in via Jordan. The FSA have always been desperate to provide evidence of CW and for that reason ALL media under the control of those forces who want Assad toplled have been regularly (and I mean regularly) drip feeding the public with stories about Assad's inevitable use of CW. They have been itching for him to use them and when he hasn't, these media clowns have simply tried to invent the use of CW.,7340,L-4056748,00.html

On a few occasions, these same clownish media have got ahead of themselves and jumped the gun trying to compete to be the first to announce the news that CW have been used. It was all nonsense of course.

Report 1: Dec 9 2012 -
Report 2: Dec 24 2012 -
Report 3: Dec 24 2012 -
Report 4: Dec 24 2012 -
Report 5: Dec 24 2012 -

I could've posted thousands of links on this site because the internet is dripping with it. Thats the problem with propaganda, if its on the web in public display then its an easy thing to gather it all up and by weight of evidence alone, the truth of the lie stands on its own two feet.

We have a serious problem.

It wears a US Army uniform and its only claim to that it has raped more women than its killed!



24.08.2013 15:20

The US and Israel are behind this.

The fact that its women and children that have been gassed is the obvious giveaway.

Terrorists are far more discerning.

Osama Bin Laden.

US gasses Syrian women and children.

24.08.2013 15:29

US General James Cartwright, US cloaked propagandist.
US General James Cartwright, US cloaked propagandist.

This is one of them.

US General James Cartwright was caught feeding media with stories about Israel and the US Stuxnet virus. It was all bollocks of course. And of course, the idiocy that passes for objective media reporting in the UK, US and Israel simply reported it as unassailable fact because they recognise easily a Pentagon spoiler when they see one. Thats how its done you see...these stories all come from one place and that place is full to brimming with military androids. They all regimentally sing from the same battle sheet. The battle sheet that says Israel must live forever, the Palestinians must die, no government except slavish government for the freedom of corporations the world over.

This man is truly evil personified.


Please sir, can I have some more!

24.08.2013 21:48

William Hague today

"I know that some people in the world would like to say that this is some kind of conspiracy brought about by the opposition in Syria, I think the chances of that are vanishingly small and so we do believe that this is a chemical attack by the Assad regime. This is not something that a humane or civilised world can ignore".

My skin is now crawling because I listened to that.

Like somebody told me my house was infested with fleas...I just can't stop scratching even though I know there is nothing there!

Alawa Awad.

The Foreign Trained Death Squads Used the Gas and Chemical Weapons.

27.08.2013 17:38

The proof is in the pudding. For instance all the chemical poisoning events and all the evidence is in the external foreign trained killer squads area of control.

They are on day one shooting at the United Nattions investigators. Lest they find the truth about the invaders dirty unjust massacre. In the Syrian Controlled areas Assad has been able to guarantee the inspectors safety. However that the evidence lays outside of the Syrian peoples governance does not guarantee their safety at all.

It is one of the biggest lies ever made that the Syrian governance is killing its very own people. The only use of chemical and gas WMD--weapons of mass destruction is from the foreign invaders who are killing the Syrian people, and then blaming the democrcatically elected Syrian Government.

Its a Joseph Goebells big lie that the seventy percent support of the Syrian Government by the Syrian people is doing any of the WMD against its own people.

The U.S. cannot cover the fact that Its troopers have been training the foreign invaders in the use of chemical weapons since dec. 2012, mostly in Jordan and also Turkey where the Free Syrian Army was caught with numerous barrels of the chemical poisons by the Turkish army and people. Also the Syrian Army has while hitting the foreign invaders found the chemical nerve gas Sarin in the death squads posessed areas.

This new Demascus hit was one hundred percent the product of the U.S. and local client states of the U.S. doing the dirty work only to blame Assad, and thusly precipitate a Nato and U.S. Invasion of Syria, which was long planned over more than a decade to regime change Syria and put in a puppet regime.

America is doing the worst aggressive war crime possible by threatening the lives of the Syrian people. It is a Nuremberg Trials Level Crime, which their own U.S. Judge Jackson who chaired the Trials, wrote into International law that the planning and doing of aggressive war is the Supreme International Crime on the Planet Earth, as it sets in motion a chain of events, all reactionary, and sets all the ecological, organic balances of the web-of-life planet wide, towards a new scrimping dark age.

End pollution wars, not endless wars for more and more pollution. You yet have a world to win!! Workers of the world unite!! Dismantle the Weapons of Destruction First before they use them. That is how to save the people of Syria and the world. 1st Cdn. Div. says that.

Union Jack