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Assad’s successes and the decline of the Arab Spring

Farhad Hashemi | 22.08.2013 10:43 | Analysis | Terror War | World

An article written by me. It's mine analysis. Originally posted to my blog on telegraph. It's not mainstream repost. Pay more attention before writing comments. Thank you very much!

US and EU flirting with radical islamists and terrorists in the Middle East has gone too far. The Arab Spring, which had blasted the secular regimes of the Maghreb met its failure in Syria.
In spite of all the efforts taken by the mainstream western media to conceal the acts of violence under civilian population committed by the forces of opposition, the real face of that opposition appeared. Defeated on the battlefront, militants have wreaked their anger on defenseless people. The world was shocked by reports of numerous massacres in Jisr Al-Shugur, province of Idleb, village Hatla in Deir Al-Zor, in the region of Khan al-Assal in Halab. The shooting of 450 women, children and the olds from local Kurdish community of Tal Abyad in Rakka has shattered all the doubts: events in Syria is not a civil war but the war the Syrian government conducts on international terrorism and extremism, enjoying support from the West.
It will be difficult for the American leaders to explain to the international community and the voters the way US have become allies with Al-Qaida. The cynicism of the West was revealed when the CIA had appointed General John Right, which had been fighting terrorism in Afghanistan, responsible for US operations in Syria, so that now he is in charge of training for Syrian militants in Jordan.
However, without direct military intervention, rebels are losing the chances to win with every day to come. At the meeting with US State Secretary John Kerry, Akhmed Jabra, the President of Syrian National coalition of revolutionary and opposition forces, declared that “The situation in Syria is now desperate”. Step by step, region by region the governmental forces are restoring peace in the country. Even in Homs, one of rebels’ strongholds, governmental forces are firmly holding the initiative and recapturing strategic districts. The fundamental change in the Syrian conflict has already happened and there were several assisting factors.
Fed up with lawlessness in the land, Syrians lay down their arms to return to their homes and families, while some even reenter the armed forces and the police in order to protect their relatives and their motherland as well. As some ex-militants are saying, Syria has no future under extremists.
The war on radical islamists has unied Shia of Iran, Iraq and Lebanon, which had sided with the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Palestinian refugees have dislodged the militants from refugees’ camp Yarmouk near Damascus.
On the other side, the coalition of the opposition appears to be split, and violent internal conflict is taking place. At least 12 armed groups declares their separation from Dar al-Jabal brigade of Free Syrian Army, protesting against linking with Al-Qaida and killing civilians.
The Syrian Kurds move surprised the West and especially Turkey. Continuing support for the militants together with internal unrest and aggravation of the Kurdish question may result in territorial disintegration of Turkey. Syrian opposition lost yet one more ally with the removal of the Muslim Brotherhood and Mohhamed Moursi .
European financial crisis and pressure from the side of Russia and China prevent the West from direct military intervention in Syria, while the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Qatar are not able of predetermining the outcome of the conflict.
Governmental forces’ final victory is a question of time. From recent statements of Bashar al-Assad it is obvious that there is no chance of pardon for the extremists. It may well be so that the syrian conflict will become an example of the victory of the state and the people over international terrorism. In such a case US and Europe may find themselves in front of other problem – creation of new terrorism centres by the remaining militants lured by the West fleeing from Syria.

Farhad Hashemi
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Al Qaida supporter

22.08.2013 17:51


You're not fooling anyone. Egyptians now realise that the Muslim Brotherhood are Western-supported terrorists who align themselves with Al Qaida.

It has been quite clear that Syria's second city, Aleppo was quiet and was absent of conflict until the 'rebels' appeared in February 2012. The city is now a disaster. If Assad was the murderer you claim, his army would have been attacking it long before the 'rebels' turned up.

I suggest your comments be hidden since you are obviously a terrorist supporter.


The Holy War.

22.08.2013 20:07

BBC, CNN, ABC, ITV etc all lining up together like little soldiers all in a row.

This isn't what democracy should look like. We should not be exposed to a conveyer belt of security service clowns being presented to us to try to convince us that US generals and their pet monkeys haven't been shipping chemical weapons into Syria via Jordan...for no other reason than carrying out the very self same attack they are now demanding we all join forces to prevent. Just a few weeks ago the Amerikans decided to start shipping weapons to the FSA and in no time at all, chemical weapons appear and within hours of that, the monkeys at the CIA and UK MI5 start preening themselves on TV trying to convince us that they are simple folk from the shires really.

We have a very real and serious problem now. We have within our ranks a deep seated evil that has complete control over our government and our media. They wear uniforms and they are spastic-mad at the power they now weild.

This really is now like living in Burma. We need help in the UK and the US.

This has now become a pressing problem for all right thinking people of the west.

I can only surmise that our governments have no remaining power at all. They can only speak one language and that is Pidgeon Yanky.

Our democracy has clearly collapsed.

Not only has this evil-breed just killed democracy in Egypt, but it just gassed 500 people in Syria. There is truly nothing they will not do in service to their crazed fantasies.

If you are in Korea or Iran, get yourselves ready now, we have no control over this satanic filth any more. They will come for you soon and they will slaughter your children until you surrender everything you have.

And when they have everything...they will turn on us and begin to devour us from inside.

General Abraham Ishmael.

Sunshine on a rainy day.

22.08.2013 23:18

"You're not fooling anyone. Egyptians now realise that the Muslim Brotherhood are Western-supported terrorists who align themselves with Al Qaida."

Erm, the Muslim Brotherhood overthrew Mubarack who was himself a US puppet who's only purpose was to keep Egypt in a state of paralysis, while Israeli maintained its policy of ethnic cleansing against the Palestinians. Mubarack's job was to keep the Camp David accord legit and the Egyptian people away from entertaining any notions of intervening in Israel's affairs. But in 2011, Mubarack was overthrown and the US lost its little hand puppet. Israel trembled as a result.

Now, in 2013, the Mubarack cadre are making a comeback with the help of $1.3 billion given to them by the US in military funding. The US calls this "aid". In order to ensure that Egypt stays under the control of the US, the new hand puppets will have to wipe the Muslim Brotherhood out. They'll probably use the "terror" card as that has the best chance of working. They have already started. Many Muslim Brotherhood are dead, murdered, arrested and imrisoned or just gone missing (dead in a ditch somehwere).

The US doesn't care. The fact that Egypt temporarily became a Democracy for just a little while doesn't factor into US logic.

Why would it?

As the poster aboe says, the Americans just gassed 500 Syrians and they seem to think it isn't their fault because there is somehow a difference between Democrats and Republicans.

The Democrats wouldn't send chemical weapons to Syria - but the Republicans would.

Amerikana Bandana

Mwah mwah mwah.

22.08.2013 23:29

"In such a case US and Europe may find themselves in front of other problem – creation of new terrorism centres by the remaining militants lured by the West fleeing from Syria."

So we should support the Jihadi's for no other reason than keeping them away from American bases in Europe?

Is that what you are saying?

Consolidate resources.

Frankie boy!!!

22.08.2013 23:44

Frankie Gardner says:

"The chances of the UN chemical weapons inspectors in Syria accessing the true site of Wednesday's alleged chemical attack in time to make a clear judgement on responsibility are slim.

It took months to negotiate permission for them to visit other sites around the country. The Syrian government, backed by Russia, is resisting calls to give them access to the eastern Damascus suburb of Ghouta where this apparent atrocity took place. Part of the reason is the area is contested between government forces and rebels and is therefore unsafe.

If an agent such as sarin has been used, the UN team would need to get to the site within days before traces become so faint as to be inconclusive. And if, as the opposition claims, it was a government attack, then a delay of days or weeks would give it enough time for forensic evidence to become controversial and for evidence of munitions used to be removed. The Syrian government insists it was the rebels who carried out the attack."

So Frank Gardner the BBC spook has come out and...(sorry, Frank Gardner is not a spook and does not take a daily briefing from Downing Street and an assortment of security sevice chums around Whitehall, amny of whom share cigarettes and brandy with their US chums at the US 'umbassy)...said that its all the fault of Bashar Assad that the weapons inspectors can't get into rebel held areas to investigate evidence of the use of US supplied chemical weapons agai...(sorry, the US has not supplied chemical weapons into Syria via Jordan through a network of US military funding programs)...nst Syrian women and children.

It really is just a case of an evil muslamiac dictator that the US needs to topple and overthrow in the name of freedom, democracy, batman and his pet boy wonder, the silver surfer.

(Phew, this war on terror is such a mouthful these days!)

muslamic rayguns at the ready everybody.


23.08.2013 12:27

"I suggest your comments be hidden since you are obviously a terrorist supporter. "

You obviously didn't read my comment. I'll repeat it for you:

I'm not advocating blindly cheerleading for the rebels without a nuanced awareness of the many different forces at work.

But an article blindly cheerleading for the Syrian govt has no place on the newswire either:

I could elaborate, but it seems like a waste of time when dealing with people who think in such black and white terms.


I'm sorry, you mass murderer

24.08.2013 09:24

“You obviously didn't read my comment. I'll repeat it for you: I'm not advocating blindly cheerleading for the rebels without a nuanced awareness of the many different forces at work.”

I’m sorry. You’re not a terrorist supporter. You’re a mass murderer supporter.

Even Brzezinski admits that the propaganda we are faced with on Syria is about Neo-Cons seeking to rule over a destabilised the Middle East. He admits the possibility of war.

Presumably, you know what you are talking about so you know this because you have such a “nuanced awareness of the many different forces at work”. Yet, you want to ban an article that puts across an alternative view to US plans to create war in the Middle East.

Brezinski is asked:
Here we are five years into the Obama administration, and you’re stating that the West is engaging in “mass propaganda.” Is Obama being drawn into Syria because he’s too weak to resist the status quo? What happened to President Obama that brought us here?

He also say:
“I think the problem with Syria is its potentially destabilizing and contagious effect—namely, the vulnerability of Jordan, of Lebanon, the possibility that Iraq will really become part of a larger Sunni-Shiite sectarian conflict, and that there could be a grand collision between us and the Iranians.”



24.08.2013 16:01

"Brezinski is asked:
Here we are five years into the Obama administration, and you’re stating that the West is engaging in “mass propaganda.” Is Obama being drawn into Syria because he’s too weak to resist the status quo? What happened to President Obama that brought us here?

In a nutshell the US Presidency is clearly a very very weak office in which the President simply cannot oppose or control the military means by which other countries are continually threatened and in some cases, attacked!

There is a government within a government at work in the US and its agenda is private and beyond the scope of the American people to change. When you think about it, the US media spend a lot of time over-reporting trivia and things which are simply not relevant to the American people.

Why is that?

Well, a mass of people that are bombarded with trivia develop a trivial outlook and a people that have a trivial outlook are hardly likely to beleive that they have the power to enact major changes to their nation state. It is the villainy which sits behind the engineering of that trivia which has weakened the office of the President of the United States. No man or women, black, brown white or yellow can ever use that office to enact change.

America is a democracy - but it is a trivial democracy.

And trivial democracies need to be led for the good of the people.

And how you turn democracy - to fascism.
