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Support Bradley Manning at Brighton Pride Sat 3 August

WISE Up | 02.08.2013 19:22 | Anti-militarism | Culture | Terror War | London | South Coast

Join supporters of Bradley Manning tomorrow at Brighton Pride.

Bradley Manning, a gay soldier in a homophobic military environment, risked his life and liberty to bring us evidence about the wars being fought in our names. His trial has been going on since 3 June, he has been found guilty on charges that could add up to a sentence of 136 years. His trial continues in Fort Meade, Maryland, where evidence is being presented in relation to sentencing. He needs our support and solidarity.

Queer+ Friends of Bradley Manning at London Pride
Queer+ Friends of Bradley Manning at London Pride

Meet at 11am at the big fountain at the Old Stein or turn up any time during the day.

For more info now or to arrange to meet up tomorrow: call 07449 650614.

More information about Bradley Manning:

- e-mail: wiseupforbm [at]
- Homepage:


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Boycott EDF while you're there!

02.08.2013 19:31

One of Brighton Pride's sponsors appears to be EDF.

Suggest you turn up with reversible placards - Support Bradley Manning one side and Boycott EDF the other!

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