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libcom + Aufheben working with cops - Indymedia censors new bombshell

ATF | 27.07.2013 10:56 | Indymedia | Policing | Repression

When new evidence was posted linking libcom + Aufheben to the police, Indymedia hidded it!

The links are piling up!
The links are piling up!

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27.07.2013 14:49

Am sure you could squeeze a connection to Mossad in your graphic somewhere


libcom not directly linked to cops

27.07.2013 15:48

Even by your own paranoid diagram, libcom are only linked into all this via others within the anarchist/radical movement.

JD may or may not be a dodgy cop collaborator but it's a massive (and ridiculous) step from that to saying libcom are.
