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A Poem for the Royal Baby

Michael Dickinson | 24.07.2013 19:09

"You’ve already beat your Uncle Harry in line to the throne,

Just three deaths to come before it’s your own."

A Poem for the Royal Baby


The guns sound out in salute, the bells ring out in the air,

The royal Duchess of Cambridge has given birth to an heir!

Prince William and Kate are overjoyed and blissfully happy

They have their longed-for offspring – in a clean white nappy!

Welcome to the world baby boy, as at your mother’s breast you feed

You’ve been born into wealth and privilege, and will never encounter need.

Third in line to the British throne, weighing 8 pounds and 6 ounces,

Delivered July 22 at 4.24 pm, the breathless Press announces.

“The birth of a Prince, our future monarch!” the tabloid headlines scream

While in blissful ignorance you close your eyes and dream.

You have nothing to disturb you, your future has been planned

You’re one of the House of Windsor, the rulers of the land.

One day of 16 countries you’ll become Head of State,

Including Australia and Canada and Britain the Great.

The Head of the Commonwealth, of the Church, Governor Supreme.

But that’s all in the future, the pomp, honour and esteem.

Right now you’re just a baby, you know nothing of the world,

Only your mother’s closeness as at her breast you lie curled.

You have yet to learn of money and the power of the rich

For you life’ll be a bowl of cherries, for others it’s a bitch.

Although from a family neither aristocratic nor royal,

Your mummy too has never known hardship or toil.

Of upper middle class background, free from pecuniary cares

Her parents, ex flight staff Mike and Carole, are multi-millionaires.

You’ll get to see them often, but all of that’s to come.

And you’ll get to know Aunt Pippa, famous for her bum.

Not to mention Kate’s Uncle Gary and his Maison de Bang Bang.

(Maybe parties there in future with your elite little gang?)

Mum passes you to Prince William, who holds you gently in his hands

- Your Daddy who’s worth 40 million in investments, inheritance and lands.

As well as a Prince, he’s a Baron, Earl and Duke,

He pats you on your back as you have a quiet puke.

Yeah, forget the Middletons. The Windsors is the family that counts

For bringing in money and power in large amounts.

You’ve only been out of the womb a few hours since

And already you’ve been made of Cambridge the Prince!

You’ve already beat your Uncle Harry in line to the throne,

Just three deaths to come before it’s your own.

But playboy Harry need shed no tear,

He already makes 25 million a year.

Before your daddy, there’ll be funny Grandad Charlie as King

Crowned in Westminster Abbey with all that pomp and bling.

He’s been destined to be monarch from the moment of his birth.

And if daddy’s makes 40 million – what’s grandaddy worth?

With a property of 300 million pounds, he’s certainly a man of means,

But as he says: “So much I do is done behind the scenes.”

It’s rumored he’s the head of a rich organization called Foundation X,

Funded by banks, market manipulation and government lending excess.

He’s also said to have had an influence on many a government minister

With his secret ‘black spider memos’ giving advice in writing sinister.

On a different matter, another dark secret as yet to unravel

Is Prince Charles’ close friendship with paedo rapist Jimmy Saville.

By the way, that’s not your real grandma, the blonde woman by his side

Her name’s Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, and she’s his second bride.

Your real grandma was Princess Diana, killed in a car crash in France.

Some say that the accident was planned and not just matter of chance.

But, ah! Here’s your great grandma! Her Highness Elizabeth, the ruler

She’s worth 44 billion. Could anything be cooler?

She’s the pinnacle of the Constitution,

Her face on every banknote – a living institution!

Judges, police and armed forces pledge allegiance to the Crown.

She’s the apex of aristocracy, of wealth and renown.

She has say when to begin and end wars

And one day my boy this power will be yours!

But what of the people you’re eventually to rule?

You should know about them to not look a fool.

Your birth is an important moment in the life of our nation

What about the people, and what’s their situation?

Well, while your pampered royal family sit cozy on their butts

The people of Britain suffer vicious drastic cuts

Benefits stopped, services scrapped, a state of dire recession

While the fawning Press focus adoring eyes on the third in line to succession.

Thousands sleep homeless on the street

Children don’t have enough to eat

Prices rise, wages go down

A smile is rarer than a frown.

Things are so bad for many that they’re almost unendurable

And yet don’t forget that they’re far from incurable.

All of this misery and want could be easily erased

With just half the money the Royals have saved.

Against this unfairness there’s only one solution

The people must unite and have a revolution.

So, New Born Royal Baby, I pray your first words be -

Loud and clear now, let me hear – “Abolish the Monarchy!”

Michael Dickinson
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Hide the following 8 comments

some observations

24.07.2013 20:52

1) Most of the poem is actually about money and your jealousy
2) Yes they are rich and powerful. Its a fact. And you arn't.
3) You don't really have anything nice to say. Rather its just a big whinge in a chip-on-shoulder style.
4) If poor people were so poor, why do they spend all their money on booze and fags? They spend more on those than rich people do (statistical average: fact)



25.07.2013 00:53

"If poor people were so poor, why do they spend all their money on booze and fags? They spend more on those than rich people do (statistical average: fact)"

But they spend so much less on Jags and caviar, so it evens up right!?
Monarchist twat...

South Coast Sab


25.07.2013 05:51

What is it with all this poetry. Two piles of unhelpful and moany rubbish in one day?

The Question.


25.07.2013 06:41

They spend more on a car because they have got more.
You buy a car according to your budget

If poor people didnt buy booze and fags (which coincisentally make you die earlier). Then they could spend that money on a better car.

The conclusion is: you can choose to piss your money up the wall or spend it on an expensive object or spend it on useful stuff. But dont whinge about being poor if youve just blown a load of money on booze and a £7 pack of fags. Youd be less poor if you didnt


Long live the Republic, said Ceaser to his generals!

28.07.2013 00:55

"1) Most of the poem is actually about money and your jealousy
2) Yes they are rich and powerful. Its a fact. And you arn't.
3) You don't really have anything nice to say. Rather its just a big whinge in a chip-on-shoulder style.
4) If poor people were so poor, why do they spend all their money on booze and fags? They spend more on those than rich people do (statistical average: fact)"

1. The royal family is a corporation with a profit margin and overheads. And that is all.
2. In this world, the more wealthy you are, the less power you have. We have seen to that.
3. Saying nice things about corporations is for the feeble minded. We are not feeble minded.
4. I know wealthy people and beleive me, they smoke and drink far more than the poor people I have met. On top of that, they do drugs too. Its the only way they can breed! Pedophilia is far more common among the wealthy classes than among the is rape and fraud. But money gives the best defence. Not only are you far less likely to be arrested for any offense if you are wealthy, you are far less likely to be successfully prosecuted. Ergo, it is the poor who are criminal classes.

By the way, I am not a Republican.

I'm much much worse than that.


Abolish the buggers.

28.07.2013 01:12

"The conclusion is: you can choose to piss your money up the wall or spend it on an expensive object or spend it on useful stuff. But dont whinge about being poor if youve just blown a load of money on booze and a £7 pack of fags. Youd be less poor if you didnt"

I know lots of people who are poor and don't smoke and don't drink.

You know nobody. I can tell!

And yes, we need to abolish the corporation called the monarchy. Its no longer a viable business and isn't bringing in the dough anymore.

Wind it up and distribute the shares to the shareholders (that's us).

The queen can go into a home and her husband can take over Jeremy Clarkson on Top Gear saying controversial things about Asians and Blacks for a living.

Prince Charles can become something useless in the city and Prince Harry can go and work for his dad James Hewitt in a sensational new ginger double act on X-Factor.

General Stalin of the Stasi lollipop commie street brigade.

I hate the Monarchy

29.07.2013 05:41

I always have! When Princess Diana died I couldn't have given a shit! When William and Kate got married I couldn't have given a shit!
And when this fucking baby was born...I couldn't have given more of a shit!

I hate them and all the crawling, hypocrisy and fawning they bring to our tabloid media.
What makes me laugh is the way the media berate footballers for earning millions of pounds yet suck up to this bunch of fucking parasites who don't even work for their millions.
Yeah it's not ok for a footballer to pick up 80 grand a week from a club where people voluntarily pay him but it's ok for the Queen and her fucked up family to sit in privilege at the expense of us who are forced to pay for her!
Fucking hypocrisy!

Dan Factor

The Rich

29.07.2013 08:09


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