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North-East BNP Regional Organiser Anita Cooper approves of gunning down muslims

Anon | 22.07.2013 19:06 | London | World

It's been revealed that North-East regional organiser Anita Cooper has liked a post which suggests the gunning down of muslims. Previously Anita Cooper has blamed these incidents on 'hackers'.

Anita Cooper caught out again.
Anita Cooper caught out again.

Anita Cooper has been revealed in the past for posting racist posts. In a 2011 article posted by the Evening Chronicle they wrote:-

'Using the name “Anita MrsBnp Cooper”, the profile page includes sick jokes about the Pakistan floods that killed more than 1,500.

In one post, it is claimed an increasing demand for Facebook from ethnic minorities had prompted creators to set up a new site named “Junglebook”.

And in another the author claims to have become ill after travelling on a coach from Barnsley with Asian people.

Posts mocking Polish immigrants, foul-mouthed rhymes and general abusive comments are also posted.'

Though Anita Cooper said it was hackers who hacked into her account and posted the comments:-

'Today, Mrs Cooper said she was unaware of any racist remarks on her Facebook page and said someone had hacked her account.

She said: “I’m totally unaware of any racist remarks. It very much sounds like it was hacked as I don’t use Facebook a great deal.

“I’m not a racist - I’m just not like that. I’ve got friends that are all different colours and I’ve got friends who are Muslim. [Racism] is something I do not approve of. It’s not what the party is about - we are not a racist party and I am far from that.

“It must be that someone has hacked my account and I don’t want to be branded a racist.' (She does not want to be branded a racist so she goes and joins the BNP?)

But it has further been revelead that she 'liked' the vile comment advocating the murder of muslims by gunning them down with an AK-47 assault rifle, as the accompanying screen shot shows quite clearly. What's her excuse this time? Hackers? The tooth fairy?

Spread this far and wide,

Source to previous article:-



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23.07.2013 14:10

Wow, there are racists in the BNP. I'm so shocked.
