EDL In Brum
Malatesta | 20.07.2013 08:15 | Anti-racism | Birmingham | London
Like a dog that returns to its own vomit, the EDL are off to Brum again on today and it’s going to be interesting to see how many turnout as past excursions there have been somewhat disastrous. Not only is it going to be boiling hot but plod are kettling them in a pub for 3 hours before their static demo then they will escorted from one end of the street to the other before being bussed out again. What on earth were plod thinking? Everyone knows that the EDL start drinking as soon as they set off in the morning and by lunchtime are blootered and ready for a fight. How this enforced drink-up is going to help matters we can only guess. May we suggest the EDL stick to spritzers and lager top? There is a temptation to suggest that plod were embarrassed by last year and will be looking for the merest excuse to scoop up the EDL en masse like fresh dog poop and chuck em in the back of the van. Canny readers will remember that the EDL’s trip to Walsall last year ended up with them kettled in a side street throwing pub furniture at each other and plod, causing a good many head injuries and a large amount guffaws from anti-fascists. As usual the EDL blamed ‘UAF-commie-anti-fascists’ for the trouble but as plentiful footage illustrated, there were very few anti-fascists allowed near the area.
Various EDL divisions have made a right hames of organising coaches because people say they will buy tickets then don’t thus forcing cancellations. A lot of EDL are either on banning orders, tags or succumbing to apathy. The infighting continues as usual with threats flying about Facebook but all of this is going to be ‘sorted out’ tomorrow. As usual the EDL are huffing and puffing claiming that 7,200 (!) are turning up but this is highly unlikely. They failed to capitalise on the death of Lee Rigby and were rejected by his family, they were rejected by Help 4 Heroes and Mr Tommy was shown as a total media opportunist when he got nicked on his ‘charity walk’ for Amelia Mae Davies, the poor wee lassie who died, and whose family rejected the EDL as well.
There is still a noticeable split between the North and South factions and also between the southern EDL and the desperados of the English Volunteer Farce and sundry other nazi groupuscules. The breakaway Infidels are having an ‘anti-IRA’ demo in Liverpool today which will dilute numbers for Brum but they have been issued with Section 14s by plod forbidding them to turn out but if they do they have been allocated a small square to stand in. Both anti-fascists and plod were caught out in February 2012 by a fascist attack on a local Irish march but subsequently the far right have failed to disrupt anything to any great degree. Liverpool has seen the far right do very badly of late with the local BNP falling to bits, the local CxF exposed as a bunch of Walts, deserters and thieves, and a bunch of eejits are up for assault in autumn when porridge seems imminent! The Infidels have been trying to whip up enthusiasm via racial hatred in the North West but their efforts have been negligible to say the least. They keep going back to Ashton-Under-Lynne for some reason and 40 odd of them end up wandering about like wee furry bawbags wondering where it all went wrong.
So the things to watch out are how Brum plod are actually going to cope with the EDL, what numbers the EDL can call out and how many of the Infidels are going to get nicked over the Sections 14s that have been dropped through their doors this morning. We shall see…
Various EDL divisions have made a right hames of organising coaches because people say they will buy tickets then don’t thus forcing cancellations. A lot of EDL are either on banning orders, tags or succumbing to apathy. The infighting continues as usual with threats flying about Facebook but all of this is going to be ‘sorted out’ tomorrow. As usual the EDL are huffing and puffing claiming that 7,200 (!) are turning up but this is highly unlikely. They failed to capitalise on the death of Lee Rigby and were rejected by his family, they were rejected by Help 4 Heroes and Mr Tommy was shown as a total media opportunist when he got nicked on his ‘charity walk’ for Amelia Mae Davies, the poor wee lassie who died, and whose family rejected the EDL as well.
There is still a noticeable split between the North and South factions and also between the southern EDL and the desperados of the English Volunteer Farce and sundry other nazi groupuscules. The breakaway Infidels are having an ‘anti-IRA’ demo in Liverpool today which will dilute numbers for Brum but they have been issued with Section 14s by plod forbidding them to turn out but if they do they have been allocated a small square to stand in. Both anti-fascists and plod were caught out in February 2012 by a fascist attack on a local Irish march but subsequently the far right have failed to disrupt anything to any great degree. Liverpool has seen the far right do very badly of late with the local BNP falling to bits, the local CxF exposed as a bunch of Walts, deserters and thieves, and a bunch of eejits are up for assault in autumn when porridge seems imminent! The Infidels have been trying to whip up enthusiasm via racial hatred in the North West but their efforts have been negligible to say the least. They keep going back to Ashton-Under-Lynne for some reason and 40 odd of them end up wandering about like wee furry bawbags wondering where it all went wrong.
So the things to watch out are how Brum plod are actually going to cope with the EDL, what numbers the EDL can call out and how many of the Infidels are going to get nicked over the Sections 14s that have been dropped through their doors this morning. We shall see…
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Why we have chosen war
20.07.2013 18:45
This picture was taken in Birmingham yesterday
21.07.2013 10:40
Fuck the EDL
Islamic extremism is a very serious threat
21.07.2013 11:22
Protest Warrior - fighting the left and doing it right!
Protest Warrior
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