New 9/11 truth group launched, please join!
James Easton | 12.07.2013 09:39
I started the 9/11: The BIGGEST LIE Facebook Community Page to launch my first documentary of the same name. I met people on 9/11 Truth and soon my movie took off. Watching the stats move steadily up to 2900 in under 6 week, views on YouTube.

YouTube is a giant pain in the ass if you're using pirated music, so I have had troubles, but I was able to fix them and put up my latest release the 2nd Edition. But again I had trouble putting up a film after that because of the same problems. So I turned to LiveLeak and posted a video that was under a Gig in size, and it works very well. I want to shout out to all the positive people in this, and related communities, be you Muslim or Christian, American or Australian, whatever the case there are a lot of informed, knowledgeable people in this circle, and it's a big circle, and I am thoroughly impressed and happy about it. Watch out for SPIES that try to fuck up your shit. I've run into a couple. People here watch each other's back that that is to be commended. Here is a list of the productions that I want you to see. To start why not check out the Shark Plane / NO Plane series, cause it's kinda humourous as much as can be, and it gives you a flavour for my style before committing to some 2 hour movies. Peace, Love, Nameste, Be Good, Do the Right Thing, and I love you all!
9/11: The Biggest Lie - 2h 21m HQ by James Easton, Released May 2013
9/11: The Biggest Lie: 2nd Edition
2h 12m HQ
by James Easton, June 2013
9/11: The Biggest Lie - 2h 21m HQ by James Easton, Released May 2013

9/11: The Biggest Lie: 2nd Edition
2h 12m HQ
by James Easton, June 2013

James Easton