Parecomic - radical graphic novel out now
Sean Michael Wilson | 11.07.2013 15:55 | History | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements
PARECOMIC is a graphic novel about Michael Albert, parecon ideas and his life's struggle as a US left wing activist.
PARECOMIC is a graphic novel by myself, Sean Michael Wilson, and artist ,Carl Thompson, about Michael Albert and his life's struggle as a US left wing activist.
It starts right back to the heady days of 1960's student demos and lifestyle rebellions. From the development of the anti war movement, civil rights, the woman's movement, and the black panthers to the establishment of alternative media like South End Press and Znet. PARECOMIC shows us Michael's story, and at the same time the ideas and issues that influence both our society and the alternative that we can collectively build via the anarchist influenced system of participatory economics. Or PARECON for short - hence the title for our book, which rather started out as a joke - but has stuck: PARECOMIC.
It's a book about something that affects us all: the system we live in - what's wrong with it, and how we might be able change it. The recent upsurge in popular protest in the USA and around the world shows that people are not happy with the state of things. The Occupy movements show us that many people would prefer a better system, a model that will work for the 99%, not just the 1%.
Michael Albert himself has worked closely with us to check the authenticity of the scenes and info. He has contributed a substantial text section at the back of the book about Parecon ideas, and the introduction is by his long term colleague, Noam Chomsky. We think this is the first comic book/graphic novel that Chomsky has ever associated himself with.
There is a digital version on itunes:
A 'look inside' sneek peek of the contents is on the amazon page about it. And a kindle version can be got there too:
And for folk who are not keen on amazon, the book can be got directly from the publisher, Seven Stories Press:
Or from distributor, Random House:
It starts right back to the heady days of 1960's student demos and lifestyle rebellions. From the development of the anti war movement, civil rights, the woman's movement, and the black panthers to the establishment of alternative media like South End Press and Znet. PARECOMIC shows us Michael's story, and at the same time the ideas and issues that influence both our society and the alternative that we can collectively build via the anarchist influenced system of participatory economics. Or PARECON for short - hence the title for our book, which rather started out as a joke - but has stuck: PARECOMIC.
It's a book about something that affects us all: the system we live in - what's wrong with it, and how we might be able change it. The recent upsurge in popular protest in the USA and around the world shows that people are not happy with the state of things. The Occupy movements show us that many people would prefer a better system, a model that will work for the 99%, not just the 1%.
Michael Albert himself has worked closely with us to check the authenticity of the scenes and info. He has contributed a substantial text section at the back of the book about Parecon ideas, and the introduction is by his long term colleague, Noam Chomsky. We think this is the first comic book/graphic novel that Chomsky has ever associated himself with.
There is a digital version on itunes:
A 'look inside' sneek peek of the contents is on the amazon page about it. And a kindle version can be got there too:
And for folk who are not keen on amazon, the book can be got directly from the publisher, Seven Stories Press:
Or from distributor, Random House:
Sean Michael Wilson