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Newcastle/North East EDL page incites racial attacks and slurs

anon | 08.07.2013 17:41 | Anti-racism | Social Struggles | Terror War | World

A page used by the North East EDL has a track record of posting racially abusive posts.

Newcastle EDL poster suggests 'blowing up' mosques
Newcastle EDL poster suggests 'blowing up' mosques

'Not Racist - Not violent - No Longer silent' is titled on the Newcastle EDL group.

Though a number of racially abusive posts and shenanigans are openly made onto this page.

Highlights include:-

One poster not being sure whenever Tower Hamlets is under 'Sharia-Law'

One poster brandishing weapons behind a Tupac poster + another suggesting to 'blow up' mosques

One poster using Toon army as a racial slur, even though players like Papiss Cissé are muslim and play for Newcastle United.

Newcastle EDL page:-

'Not Racist - Not violent - No Longer Silent' is that so really?



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further additions

08.07.2013 17:48

Newcastle EDL poster isn't sure if Tower Hamlets is under 'Sharia-Law'
Newcastle EDL poster isn't sure if Tower Hamlets is under 'Sharia-Law'

Newcastle EDL poster using Toon Army as a racial slur
Newcastle EDL poster using Toon Army as a racial slur

Newcastle EDL poster insists immigrants get 'government grants'. + racial slurs
Newcastle EDL poster insists immigrants get 'government grants'. + racial slurs

Newcastle EDL poster isn't sure of a green flag is a Pakistan flag
Newcastle EDL poster isn't sure of a green flag is a Pakistan flag

Newcastle EDL poster suggests letting his dog attack people in Elswick
Newcastle EDL poster suggests letting his dog attack people in Elswick

Newcastle EDL poster target 'Free Speech' program audience attender
Newcastle EDL poster target 'Free Speech' program audience attender

Newcastle EDL poster insists that he doesn't like 'blacks'
Newcastle EDL poster insists that he doesn't like 'blacks'

North East EDL poster insists 'shooting' the council over recent flag dispute
North East EDL poster insists 'shooting' the council over recent flag dispute

Newcastle EDL posters page poses with weapons
Newcastle EDL posters page poses with weapons



EDL poster

08.07.2013 20:42

Newcastle EDL poster thinks having a name is like naming your child 'Adolf'
Newcastle EDL poster thinks having a name is like naming your child 'Adolf'

Newcastle EDL poster thinks having a name is like naming your child 'Adolf' or 'Stalin'


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We will rule the world one day!

09.07.2013 09:28

We the jihadists of Al Qaeda will rule Britain one day!

Al Qaeda

The Marshbots were alive and kicking in Ashton

09.07.2013 15:58

See pics Ive added. although original fascist hooligan Jeff "Joe" Marsh has long since surrendered to running a bar in Magaluf, his legacy lives on. An army of hysterical girl fans and other cretins calling themselves Marsh. The one with the flag round his face is thought to be Lee Marsh, an actual relative of jeffers and the blonde girl is racist jeremy kyle candidate Zoe who runs Casualties United blog

Marshbots in Ashton

here you go

09.07.2013 16:00

Zoe and Lee

sorry more Marshbots

Newcastle EDL joke about bombing a mosque and persons death

10.07.2013 11:00

Newcastle EDL supporter Freddy Heslop from Elswick jokes about bombing a mosque
Newcastle EDL supporter Freddy Heslop from Elswick jokes about bombing a mosque

Newcastle EDL posters joke about a person death which happened three years ago.
Newcastle EDL posters joke about a person death which happened three years ago.

more additions.


Yer fooling no-one.

10.07.2013 11:09

This horse doesn't know that its dead!!!

Mods, yer know what to do.


Newcastle/Gateshead EDL supporter James Cann exposed

10.07.2013 11:49

James Cann EDL supporter
James Cann EDL supporter

Further additions


Newcastle EDL reveals it's suggestive new racial 'Youth division'

10.07.2013 12:22

Newcastle EDL's new 'youth division' with some racial activities + racist slurs
Newcastle EDL's new 'youth division' with some racial activities + racist slurs

further additions

EDL 'Youth Division':-


Could mods remove the previous two posts

10.07.2013 13:58

Thanks - including this one


National Front (NF) on Facesuck.

10.07.2013 22:46

This article is...

1. Not news.
2. A posting from a heirarchal organisation.
3. A posting which is borderline advertising (for Facesuck)
4. Advertising an extremist racist organisation.
5. Not grass roots.
6. Not a photo or news report on a current action.

So what the fuck is it doing here?


You idiot.

11.07.2013 11:31

@Newcastle Division's Lee Patrick wants to gas Muslims

That's it dipshit, just keep spreading the links and just keep spreading the publicity.

In the end, the EDL will be a major force and you will have helped create them.

So I state here, the fight against fascism has begun and the first target is the UAF and its shills.

Kill the EDL, remove their publicity machine.


"a major force"

14.07.2013 10:03

oh fucking pass me a tissue


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