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KHOODEELAAR! SCOOPS BBC Sunday Politics Programme about Tower Hamlets Council

Khoodeelaar! Campaign defending the East End of London against Big Business | 07.07.2013 21:03 | Analysis | Social Struggles | London | World

The BBC Sunday Politics programme broadcast today 07 July 2013, fronted by Andrew Neill had its London segment carry a piece on Tower Hamlets Council featuring John Wright, the Shadwell resident who had been stopped from filing the Council on Wednesday 26 June 2013. But the BBC Report was incoherent and lacked any clear or contextual info even from John Wright himself whom they showed. KHOODEELAAR! scoops the BBC in their view report posted on youtube tonight [Sunday 07 July 2013]

The BBC Sunday Politics programme broadcast today 07 July 2013, fronted by Andrew Neill had its London segment carry a piece on Tower Hamlets Council featuring John Wright, the Shadwell resident who had been stopped from filing the Council on Wednesday 26 June 2013. But the BBC Report was incoherent and lacked any clear or contextual info even from John Wright himself whom they showed. KHOODEELAAR! scoops the BBC in their view report posted on youtube tonight [Sunday 07 July 2013]

2015 GMT London Sunday 07 July 2013;
PUBLISHER's citable tags and references for this © Muhammad Haque Exclusive Video Report on Tower Hamlets Council
"Spitting Images" on Tower Hamlets Council; "Meg the Voice Over "in Muhammad Haque's film on the Shadwell Film-maker ; John Wright the Shadwell Filmmaker at Mulberry Place ; Lesley Pavitt the Suspender of the Meeting ; Registered Social landlords ; immunity from democratic audit ; Freedom of Information Act is not allowed over landlords ; Muhammad Haque's Question to Tower Hamlets Council caused the film-maker John Wright to start filing in the first place ; Council housing stock transfer a disaster ; Social landlords are allowed to ignore the law and behave like rogue landlords ; Notting Hill's Peter Rachman's ghosts in Tower Hamlets "registered social landlords" [To be continued]

Here is the KHOODEELAAR! Campiaghn video

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UPDATE Tower Hamlets Council refuses to let Public film Council Meetings

18.09.2013 15:50

The KHOODEELAAR! Campaign Defending the East End Public’s right yo have access to the Local Council in a democratic transparent way.

Exclusive UPDATE posted
at 1548 Hrs GMT
Wednesday 18 september 2013

The East London Advertiser web site item [link cited below] is ALLEDLY "wrong" on Tower Hamlets Council "allowing filming"

This is the case as confirmed to the KHOODEELAAR! Campaign Organiser by Tower Hamlets Council's "Democratic Services" section in a phone communication conduced at 1500 GMT today Wednesday 18 Septemebr 2013

If the Council’s Opposition Councillors show a rare resolve for democracy and transparency and press for the public to be allowed to film the Council’;s meetings, starting tonight;’s one then the position will change.

But as far as the current “Council Policy” is, the public are NOT going to be allowed to film the Meetings.

This should be seen in the context of several statements made by John Biggs and the Labour Councillors stating that they would allow the public to do the filming!

Unless they too now say that they too are AGAINST the members of the public being abel to film Tower Hamlets Council’s Meetings!

KHOODEELAAR! Campaign Defending the Community in the East End of London