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What is the purpose of the Free Syrian Army

Saladin | 20.06.2013 13:27 | Anti-militarism | Terror War

The west seems to be supporting a very dangerous and disparate group in Syria.

Out of the Syrian people fighting the oppressive Assad regime so far found amongst the dead opposition are 689 Saudi Arabians (who obviously feel their own oppressive regime which subjugates 50% of its population is far less in need of overthrowing until they have helped out a neighbour in need), over 600 Kurdish Mujahadeen (recently classified as terrorists until the US suddenly declassified them in an sweet act of good faith), 489 Egyptians (obviously good lads who listen well to their Imam), over 600 Libyan Nato-armed left-overs from the over-throw of Ghadaffi (we all know what it's like to be out of work so who can blame them), and of course the Chechen (guess Putin's never really been a fave of theirs for highly valid reason) - and the list goes on and on. How sweet that all these foreigners feel such a burning desire to help the people of Syria overthrow a pluralist regime despite having their own problems at home. Ahhh, makes me have faith in humanity again



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20.06.2013 14:36

Interviews with fighters of the FSA seem to indicate a combination of those with family links to Syria and religious types. Three Europeans that were interviews by CNBC all talked about the need to support their Muslim brothers against the "non believers of the B'ath party"

Long tall Sally

The time for global ridicule is now here.

20.06.2013 16:29

The groups you mention all have one thing in common. They are ALL groups who have historical links to US and British nationalists who have been funding them in one sense or another since the 1980's. Add to this the Druze (Israeli), the PKK (US) and the MEK (US) and what you begin to see are a ragged collection of US funded disparate groups all acting in concert with each other to enable the US nationalist agenda in the Middle East. This suits the Israeli's and is supported by the British and French because they have financial dependence on the US.

Sorry to have to be the bearer of bad news, but the British government have actively brought this situation about and are actively complicict in the murder of 93,000 people in Syria according to the UN. The British and French have done this because Washington has told them to.

But it has all gone wrong (again!) because the people who have planned this are extremists and religious fanatics and they have no public support anywhere in the world.

We have a serious problem here in the UK and in France. We are under the control of a small cadre of political fanatics who are hellbent on redrawing the world according to their own blinkered, twisted and warped agenda.

In a democracy the majority are supposed to hold sway. Our democracy is one in which the minority rule.

Major "ity".

get real

20.06.2013 21:25

UN Research shows 70% SYRIANS support assad. 20% undecided 10% support the mercenaries/jihadis. Minorities support the govt. Or will get throats slit by rebel fake syrian army.
Check out .syrian perspective. blog for realtime info.
Support syrian arab army death to zionist & nato alliance


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