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Framework are troubled by action, keep it up! (T) | 20.06.2013 08:55

Framework have found it necessary to issue some guidelines on how and what to post on their facebook site.

I guess this means that they are troubled by action and the critical postings there. Good! keep it up!

They are obnoxious in their view that operating workfare schemes were an unemployed / homeless person can be sanctioned [benefits removed] for not doing as they are told. Tough love. ...... or greedy bastards with their nose in the trough to get the government money ...... You decide!

Framework Official Site · 992 like this.

Monday at 16:39 · 


After consultation with our senior management team we have decided to implement some basic Facebook Community Guidelines to ensure the continued enjoyment of this page by all visitors.


These can be found now in the “about” and “notes” sections of our page.


Over the last couple of years we have worked hard to develop a fun and vibrant social media presence that allows for effective two way communication with our supporters and the wider public.


For the most part our Facebook page has proved to be an effective forum and meeting place for people with an interest in our life-changing work. It has also provided a vital resource for people in desperate need of help.


In order of it to remain so we have decided to set out some simple guidelines to ensure the continued enjoyment of this page by the greatest number of people.


Thank you.




and so they say: ......


Framework’s Facebook Community Guidelines


Welcome to Framework’s Facebook page. We are glad that you are here. Our Facebook page is intended to provide a place to share information about Framework and the work that we do; including breaking news and initiatives.

This space aims to be a friendly and safe place which can be used by everyone. We do not take decisions about moderating posts lightly but we do expect that participants post content and commentary that is both relevant and respectful to the community as a whole. 

We would prefer not to have to remove any content but we will if there are any posts which fail to respect our guidelines. Individuals who repeatedly ignore these guidelines risk being permanently removed as fans.


Framework’s Facebook Page Community Guidelines.


1.Above all please be respectful to others when you visit our site. 

2.Please do not post misleading, false, threatening, abusive, aggressive, obscene, defamatory or profane statements.

3.Please do not post an image of any adult or child without their permission (and in the case of children, the permission of their parent or guardian)

4.Please do not attack specific groups or post any comments meant to harass, threaten or abuse an individual.

5.Please do not disclose personal information (i.e. contact information).

6.Please keep your comments relevant to the topic of the post. 

7.Please do not post discriminatory comments regarding race, ethnicity, religion, gender, disability, sexual orientation or political beliefs.


And, if you would like to advertise something, please obtain our permission beforehand.


Thank you.



Framework uses Workfare


Nottingham charity involved in workfare


Charity targeted in protest over forced work scheme: Nottingham Post


Framework Anti-Workfare & work-prog Demo (T)