attempted murder of activist
survivor | 14.06.2013 15:04 | Smash EDO | Anti-militarism | Terror War
this is my statement as follows.some months ago now i was manipulated/forced against my will to leave supported acomadation where i had been happily settled for 5years under threats of bing made homeless if i didnt comply.the pressure aplied agin me wos varied and dark and began when the support workers were replaced wiith basically planted operativs..eventually i relented and agreed to move to a nice big posh flat,,then wot being a poor man wiv no alternativ wos i gona do but agree..i knew 4 long time i was bein set up but i had to keep an open mind which nearly cost me my a long time activist and survivor of brutal childrens in i moved o isnt it nice n posh...then it soon begins,,for no reason i start to hav wot seemed at the time to be heart attacks wheneva i went to sleep,,i took about 7 blasts befor i realised that sumfin very bad wos hapening so i fled leavin behind my possesions and so called home..i fled to the floor of a dirty squat and thank god for the squatters who took me in...what the filthy babylon bastards done was to wire my flat into the mains electrical cabine t underneath my flat..they wired my flat into the mains in an attempt to murder me in my bed..if u doubt this consider wot do pigs use as weapons tazers,wot did they surround the olympics with an electric fence wot do they use ti torture people wiv electricty ect ect ect...none of this could hav hapened without the help off the local council workin wiv the so called housin support staff..i am stil here,,and i still say neva giv up people neva giv in for u r destined to win..the truth is wiv us justice to..the council involved in this was BRIGHTON COUNCIL the housin asociation involved wasAFFINITY SUTTON..THE COPS INVOLVMENT is a given.,names will follow at a later not be afraid but be aware if they can do this to me they can do it to luta continua..ya passarana..revolution....solidarity...
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any evidence ot this?
14.06.2013 19:13
Any proof?
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