Fascinating Satellite Research for Our Globe Expansion Knowledge
Zbigniew Charnas | 12.06.2013 05:55 | COP15 Climate Summit 2009 | Ecology | Energy Crisis | Technology
[Geophysics, Geodesy & Astrophysics with Geonautics] In the year 2013 there comes maybe one especial chance for our civilisation to estimate how big is the scale of nowadays expansion of the Earth – computing for it some interesting elemental data taken by still circling now in the near-global cosmic space modern scientific satellites. I think in this moment about Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment “GRACE” – using “Tom” and “Jerry” racing satellite modules. I ponder also about next comparable expansionistic satellite missions to the Planet Earth.
There are already nothing less than three kinds of morphometric marker objects for international science satellite research that can evidence expansion of the Earth accelerated by human technical civilisation and fast running in nowadays. First of this objects is the bed and shore of Gulf of Bothnia in Scandinavia and the bed and shore of Hudson Bay in Canada. In last glacial epoch there was two highest tops of gigantic glacial cap on the Northern Hemisphere nearly over these special places. The beds and shores of these gulfs lifted up through about last ten thousands years in slowly decreasing tempo. Now in 20th and 21st centuries this trend came to be growing and increasing more and more. This says to us that there is much gas foam getting higher temperature below Earth’s crust inside upper Earth’s mantle.
Second of mentioned objects are quasi-mountain ranges and islands created on tectonic rifts in deep oceanic abyss. They also lift up in nowadays in accelerating tempo. So it is probably, because wide and fine data do not exist yet. About expansionic shore and island lifting scientists can be informed now by characteristic changes in sea level going locally down (only volcanic islands existing now over sea level) when in the same time the world sea level almost everywhere increases (for example nearly in Scandinavia in Danish Sounds).
Third targets for necessary scientific research are calderas of more than ten supervolcanoes being wrapped and known on the Earth. In their underground spaces there runs the same mechanism of volcanic gases in magma pumice getting warmer. Especially we can observe such phenomenon in geodesic way from the year 1923 in North American supervolcano Yellowstone (read: great illustrated article in ‘National Geographic’ paper magazine published in 2009). For such lift scientific investigations we have for example German modern satellite project of DLR exploiting electromagnetic radar of type named SAR (twosome: TerraSAR-X & TanDEM-X) precise to about 2 m of ground altitude.
In my opinion the Earth is build as sticky-liquid metallic core (rather: sticky-liquid-liquid) and intruded with gases sticky-liquid silicate mantle (sticky-liquid) with solid basaltic crust, and special plasmatic-gaseous reactive space existing between the core and the mantle (in place of the outer Earth’s core). The mantle just under the lithosphere has little mean density – minimally even to 2 g/cm³ (pumice and gas bubbles). But the inner core is very heavy – with maximally density even to 50 g/cm³ (iron and quasi-ferric metals with alloys and compounds of uranium?).
In mentioned conception the core is not conjoined hard with the mantle in fully invariable system and now it rotors a little faster than higher rest of the planet. When now the crust of the Earth lifts up its massive core is further concentrated by pressure increasing in that mentioned inner plasmosphere and then there works stronger coupling mechanism and the mantle and the crust increase their rotation (more and more from 1973 to 2013). We have less leap-seconds added yearly into the world astronomical calendar (less and less from 1973 to 2013).
Furthermore increasing pressure and nuclear reactions in the plasmosphere precipitate to the core many new heavy metallic atoms from this gaseous reactive Earth’s region. The core gets heavier with greater density. All inner space of the core and the plasmosphere (conjointly with precipitating plasmospherical matter) gets effectively smaller for surface area of the planet gravity field. Their massive size comes down in relation to the lithosphere and to satellite orbits and satellites goes to their new higher spiral trajectories (without effect in that of systematic satellite slowing and lowering in very rare super-high cosmic Earth’s atmosphere).
So, just now in the year 2013 there comes maybe one especial chance for our civilisation to estimate how big is the scale of nowadays expansion of the Earth – computing for it some interesting crude (elemental) data taken by still circling now in the near-global cosmic space modern scientific satellites. I think in this moment about Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment “GRACE” – using “Tom” and “Jerry” racing satellite modules. In this mentioned here mission “Tom” runs after his partner “Jerry”. I ponder also about next comparable expansionistic satellite missions in type: “Tom & Jerry” and “CheeseBox”. The third should be air-elbowing module for “T-J” (‘CB’ – circling as the first of this triad). There can exist other kinds of important very much geonautical satellite projects, too – for instance projects to search how is distributed internal density in expanding Earth.
In ideal space configuration – without high atmospheric rare-gaseous effect – move point of “Tom” would have his phase displacement in relation to move point of “Jerry” with stated acute angle. Then when expanding spiral orbits of them get more distant from the internal centre of the Earth (not from the globe surface) there also increase distance what exists between these modules. I expect now there should be already some possibility to exact mathematical watching of these processes (after relevant geometric programming and calculation) in the period of time between the years 2002 and 2012.
In May of 2013 I was informed that surveyors in Cracow (Poland) found out that many of points of the surface geodesic network in their region – build reliably in the fifties of the XX century – disperse and get farther from each other. If it goes like this generally all over the world it means that meters and kilometres of army and scientific GPS system are virtual, not precise standard ones. In deed it appears now that space scientists in the whole world have many troubles with making more and more exact their satellite geodesic network (see in the links below: ITRS, ITRF, VLBI2010, VGOS) – parallel to surface geodesic system.
I also got information that good times for this doing had been already existing on the Earth about the year 2000 and probably will not come back to us in a few next decades any more. It is because that the Earth more and more quickly expanding receives from its warming extremely hot inside bigger and bigger fluctuations for its rising and growing rocky lithosphere.
I just publish here now the scheme for original mental watching and this mathematical spatial doing. My letters and ciphers:
Higher Temperature and Pressure in Plasmatic Outer Core Reactor
THEWIM – Thermal Widening in the Mantle
SIC – Smaller Inner Core
TESURF – Tectonic Expansional Surface Fluctuations
NEFACO – New Fare Compensated Orbits
D1 ~ = D2 (altitudes of satellite orbits)
M ←→ m (increase-decreasing and removing of dense-diversified masses)
gM >> gm (diversification of densities in the core and the mantle)
“Tom” and “Jerry” (‘T’ & ‘J’)
Modules (Crude Data) over the Nowadays Fast Expanding Earth
On the picture:
RZ1 – starting radius of the Earth, RZ2 – Earth’s radius after expansion stage
R1 – starting orbital radius, R2 – orbital radius after expansion stage
D1 & D2 – quasi-stabile surface-orbit distances
C1 – starting Tom-Jerry distance on orbital arc
C2 – Tom-Jerry distance after expansion stage (on arc)
R3, D3, C3 – radius and distances after expansion stage
and after high atmospheric rare-gaseous drop (decrease of level, denivelation)
D2 ~ = D1, C2 > C1, R2 > R1
Tom & Jerry Equation System:
R3 = D3 + RZ1, R2 = α · R3 = D2 + RZ2, R1 = D1 (~ = D2) + RZ1
ExΔR = R2 – R1, C2 = α · C3, ExΔC = C2 – C1, ExΔC = ڤ2πR · ExΔR
(ڤ2πR – typical geometric dependence between ExΔC and ExΔR)
Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment

GRACE – Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment

NASA’s Grace Gravity Mission Weighs in on Earth’s Changing Climate

International Terrestrial Reference System (ITRS)
International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF)

Space Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI)
Universe Missions – NASA, Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Space Geodesy Programme / Radio Telescope (VLBI)

The Development of the VLBI2010 Global Observing System (VGOS)

GNSS Applications / eutube

EGNOS for Aviation / egnos1

Read and analyse my previous article titled:
[In under-text links there is series of many near-science articles by me]
Japanese Sasago Syndrome & Dutch Dam Marker as
Evidences of Hot Expanding Earth

Zbigniew Charnas