Top Italian Judge. Bilderberg : The Strategists of Tension
Batt Flattery | 05.06.2013 15:31 | Globalisation | Terror War | World
Who says so ? none other than the Honorary President of the Supreme Court of Italy and former Senior Investigative Judge Ferdinando Imposimato, .
In a his recently Published Book Judge Ferdinando accuses Bilderberg of being behind 25 years of Terrorist attacks known jointly as "The Strategy of Tension" which plagued Italy in the 1970'-80's. "I found a document that left me appalled, when it comes to bloody terrorist also speaks of the Bilderberg Group !!
In a his recently Published Book Judge Ferdinando accuses Bilderberg of being behind 25 years of Terrorist attacks known jointly as "The Strategy of Tension" which plagued Italy in the 1970'-80's. "I found a document that left me appalled, when it comes to bloody terrorist also speaks of the Bilderberg Group !!
Honorary President of the Supreme Court of Italy and former Senior Investigative Judge Ferdinando Imposimato, .
In a his recently Published Book, The Republic of the Unpunished Massacres, Judge Ferdinando accuses Bilderberg of being behind 25 years of Terrorist attacks known jointly as "The Strategy of Tension" which plagued Italy in the 1970'-80's. "I found a document that left me appalled, when it comes to bloody terrorist massacres it also speaks of the Bilderberg Group. A document held by a terrorist of the New Order, Ventura. I believe this document is genuine. I did some research and I can safely say that behind the strategy of tension and the massacres there is also the Bilderberg group, a sort of Big Brother high above, which controls and maneuvers, Right Wing terrorists and Freemasons for it's purpose."
Ferdinando Imposimato has been recorded on video stating that : Bilderberg Was Behind "The Strategy of Tension"
This is a person who took part in the original investigations who states in the book that at the time I would never have even contemplated
that an invisible world government could even exist let alone that it was responsible for the 20 + Terrorist campaign.
It was only due to his recent research and investigations that new information came to light.
Here are some extracts from the book .. I'll add the original italian text, as the translation is not 100% .:.
THE REPUBLIC OF THE PUNISHED MASSACRES ( By Ferdinando Imposimato) Published by Newton Compton,
The judge Grassi was convinced that these massacres had been organized by "structures of unconventional warfare [... ], were a manifestation of an international strategy, the result of a covert agreement between services, and other initiatives of supranational character, which operated Italy and other Western states. " The diagnosis was accurate, because he found a match in the formidable unpublished document attached to the indictment of the report prepared by Magistrate EmilioAlessandrini on the terrorist attack at Piazza Fontana . It was the secret services report RSD / lZETA n. 230 of June 5, 1967, which described the existence of an invisible world government, which had interfered for many years using any means at it's disposal , in the political life of various countries or the West, including Italy. The object of the report was "international pressure groups in the West." The document was divided into a basic text of three notes which included information on the CIA, the Bilderberg group and the ADA (Americans for Democratic Action) and included very interesting conclusions : for example, the fact that a covert war being waged with un Orthodox methods to the sound of massacres and murders in the various territories of the West. A sentence in the introduction, proposed to 'follow developments', which was to assume that the war was still going on when the writer had penned these notes.
Grassi's investigations turned up numerous methods used in the function of a unorthodox warfare. Maybe he did not know if they reported to a single "center of control", in some way either part of Gladio, or part of the same structure, recalling the description of Vinciguerra. They also spoke of the bonds of Delfo Zorzi, who had admitted having contacts with a very high official of the had operated a NATO organization in Italy to which the recent dramas tragedies of the country are related and that, from time to time, he has made use of secondary organizations some of these were his of his own creation. The P2 Masonic lodge is a very good example of these. It reported that in 1974 there had been a tough battle in the CIA, which had led to the exclusion of Angleton. To quote Vinciguerra again text which Grassi obviously trusted - that "the attack on the Express train 'Italicus was part of the progression that was to lead to a state of emergency." The judge stated, by logical deduction, that 'such a strategy was developed to operate on a global scale and, in particular, in countries in the West more exposed to regime changes and where there was a possibility of the left taking power by democratic means , such as Italy [... ] regarding the strategy in question [... ] The United States of America were the most active proponents.
Remember that the ruling by judge Grassi - that I only obtained by a miracle, under threat of legal recourse, from the archives of the Palazzo Giustiniani - has in fact been kept secret-until 2011. Judge Grassi speaks of the powers of the American ambassador in Rome, "who has the power to order (or ask for), but not to direct military actions that are necessary to support the plan." Grassi referred this strategy to Gladio. In addition, he had also learned of the existence of "a direct dependency on the section of the Italian service of the CIA's SAD (Special Activities Division) , this section ran the Stay Behind Italian structure in the sixties and seventies."
So the judge Grassi had identified the attack on the Italicus Train as part of the Gladio operations, you could also include the massacre of Piazza Fontana in the same game.
A even more severe judgment was made by the aforementioned judge Grassi of Bologna, who investigated the Piazza della Loggia and the Bombing of the Express train Italicus.
The unveiling of Gladio / Stay Behind, has revealed some very relevant information regarding all the terrorist attacks. . Many different elements of the investigations had already highlighted links to some kind of central organization behind massacres that had bloodied Italy since 1969 and the strategies of provocation and death that had seen right wing subversives involved along with the heads of intelligence services in the context of anti-communist activities. [... ] [The argument that] Gladio had only an anti invasion function appeared disproved by numerous and consistent evidence.
Grassi wrote again:
The reports of the Study Committee on Government Operations of the Senate of the United States of America and in particular those involved in the conspiracy for the assassination of foreign leaders are important. This committee is in possession of the one drawn 11/20/75 dedicated to covert operations aimed at the physical elimination of some leaders who fought against Nazi dictatorships, among them Patrice Lumumba, Fidel Castro, Rafael Trujillo, Ngo Dihn Diem and René Schneider. The first was the architect of the independence of the Congo, Castro was the liberator of Cuba from Batista's dictatorship, the third was the president of the Dominican Republic, the fourth was president of South Vietnam, the fifth was the Chilean general close to Allende. All but one were all successfully Eliminated, Castro survived. . [... ] Typical technique used by the CIA was to freeze the Investigative process, set in motion by a covert action with agents in every department of law Enforcement, Justice dept, Police, protecting the Guilty parties.
Gladio also served the political interests of Italians who were coherent with the destabilization project. This entity, also escaped the rigors of the law, due to institutional protection in the higher places, enabling it to grow and expand beyond measure, by always being one step ahead of the State Prosecutors. It became increasingly dangerous and threatening.
Those who tried to investigate and reveal it's structure, composition and purposes were ruthlessly murdered: among them (Magistrate) Giovanni Falcone, who spoke in his diary given to the journalist Liliana Milella. Horrendous crimes mingled with the birth and extinction of governments, at the sunrise and sunset of political leaders, bloody struggles for the conquest of the major institutional positions, for control of the economy and finance, the nerve centers of ' information and misinformation. A history of the most Machiavellian ruthlessness . A tragic story that is very likely to be repeated. As we have seen, this clandestine structure, so often saved by the secret State by those who had an interest to cover and enrich themselves, made up organically of, Cosa Nostra, Neo Fascists terrorists, economic enterprises, intelligence and freemasonry, operated by OSS and CIA. All glued together by the P2 lodge which had infiltrated every organ of the State and the higher echelons of political power.
In truth, for years, I actually refused to believe idea that it was even possible that such a subversive network to exist . The first seed of doubt was instilled in my mind by a young university student of the New Order, Paolo Aleandri, before that I thought it was pure fantasy. I questioned him for days about the murder of a Magliana (Rome based Gang) thug. It was him who revealed to me, in 1982, the existence of an anti insurrectional plan kept in the safe of the General Command of the carabinieri. This plan, which was to lead to the arrest of trade unionists and left wing politicians and the control of military and other institutions, it was supported by "a part of the Christian Democrats and conservative circles of the Vatican, who advocated in dramatic terms the danger of a communist advent to power." And there were those in the Italian Parliament who also supported this strategy? As a Catholic, I did not want to believe the role of the Vatican, which contradicted the message of peace and love preached by the Church. And yet I wanted to record the whole confession of Paolo Aleandri, I recently rediscovered the entire tape in the files of the P2 Commission Report (in Rome).
Another interesting aspect of Aleandri's statements are the references to personal his relationship with Gelli, in the name of Alfredo De Felice, a member of the same right-wing organization, " bound by ties of friendship to Federico Umberto D'Amato » Aleandri's, who self-confessed to the attempted massacre at the CSM in 1979 (failed bomb plot), stated that he often went to report to Gelli, usually on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, at the Excelsior Hotel (in the center of Rome), where they went to visit to the head of P2, also present were the likes of D'Amato, the journalist Franco Solomon, Umberto Ortolani, the head of the SID Vito Miceli ( P2 card number 491), the Secretary of the Treasury Gaetano Stammati (card 543) 8. They were all witnesses called by me, they quietly admitted their relations with Gelli, while at the same time Roman magistrates was clearing these affiliates of the P2 of any offenses connected to them belonging to an illegal organization.
But Aleandri also had knowledge of the relations between New Order the CIA agent, engineer John Fenwick, and also with Vatican officials. At the time of the interrogation, I was tempted to get up and walk away, Aleandri's statements seemed to me to be pure fabrications of his own invention and a total waste of time. Today, thirty years on, these statements are precious. The circumstances reported by Aleandri on the connections between New Order with Freemasonry, the CIA, SID, sectors of the Vatican and the Christian Democrats are extremely useful to our reconstruction of events. Moreover, the value has been misinterpreted by many judges, including Rosario Minna from the court of Florence , PM Claudio Nunziata of Bologna, and the P2 Commission itself . In addition, as we have already had occasion to see, that Moro had clearly seen, from his prison cell, the problem of the matrix of the massacres of 1969, sinking the knife edge of his analysis in the heart of the problem and identifying "In addition to responsibilities that lie outside of Italy, indulgences and connivance of state organs and certain sectors of the Christian Democrats » But did the intuition of the Christian Democrat statesman (Moro) get any feedback? (Gladio) SB was (and is?), is / was either an organization created wholly in Italy or / and that had godfathers from outside of our Country? . Was Gladio entirely made in Italy or were it's God fathers from outside of the country ??
These crucial questions can be answered, at least in terms of probabilities. Referring to a document of great value, I got to now of it's existence thanks to Gerardo D'Ambrosio: This is the third and least known secret report of June 1967, found in Montebelluna, during the investigation into the massacre of Piazza Fontana, the ratio ( RSDlIz n. 230 5.VI.l967) - Like the other documents found on that occasion, it is likely that it came from Guido Giannettini (AKA agent Z) . The text, overlooked at the time of the investigation, was instead of extraordinary importance. It may be inferred, albeit with the prudence that has marked our journey so far, that the thread that binds all the carnage once again leads to Washington. The report stated: "The existence of the occult war is nothing new. This report outlines the current framework . In the absence of an overt war, it must be considered that the occult was the strategy of tension. Reading the document, there is evidence of a body of global dimension that Gladio is only an articulation. But there is a new aspect: ~ br />
At the end of World War II, to contain the communist tide the Western victors decided to create an 'alliance between the Catholic the secular liberal forces with a Meeting ground was organized out of which came the NEI (Équipes Nouvelles Internationales), based in Brussels, a sort of Masonic-Catholic Liaison Office (my italics, author's note) with the function of promoting the development of most progressive Christian Democrat forces in the old continent.
So an agreement was reached between Catholics and secular liberals, that is Freemasonry. We will find this incredible alliance also among the Leonine Walls,(don't know what that means but it's sure to be dodgy) with the presence of the likes of Michele Sindona and Roberto Calvi, both members of the P2 lodge.
The report deplored the attempt to exclude Vatican liability and the stressed the strange lack of any mention of Opus Dei, which especially in the case of Spain, has an important function in the cloak of subversion, even communist. [00.] Clearly, the attempt to partially exonerate the Vatican and the highest hierarchy of the Catholic Church from liability for the subversive action in the West (my italics, author's note), which was planned and organized from that top and not just the result of personal initiatives.
The amazing aspect of this story is that one of the main representatives of the U.S. intelligence in Italy was the Pro Deo, father Felix Morlion of the Dominican University of Rome, 'he seemed to be always at a crossroads of encounters between people from the CIA, prelates and big industrialists. A photograph, by Pecorelli, of the Pro Deo rector Felix Morlion appeared in the "World of Today" along with three U.S. Secret Service agents, and Christian Democrat ministers Giuseppe Spataro Mariano Rumor».
The alliance between the Vatican and Freemasonry would bear fruit not only in financial terms, of the aid offered by the IOR to Sindona. A confirmation to this effect would come from Tassan Din Bruno, managing director of the publisher Rizzoli (group), a member of the P2. On 17 March 1983 he made a statement taken to Milan based magistrates, Dell'Osso and Fenizia who were investigating the bankruptcy of the Ambrosiano Bank, and reports that Gelli and Umberto Ortolani, the top echelons of loggia P2, "had dealings with the Vatican." Ortolani "gentleman of the chamber of the pope" lived in a sumptuous villa in Grottaferrata, confided to Tassan Din that thirteen cardinals had been guests at his house and had held a meeting in which it had been decided, in a sort of pre-conclave, the elevation of Cardinal Montini, the future Paolo VI, in the papal dignity " But there's more. In Catholic circles, right under the guidance of Cardinal Montini, MACI (Catholic Italian avant-garde movement) was activated in Milan and that among its leaders was Peter Cattaneo, involved in the investigation of the Brescia, massacre
and was mentioned in the records of the investigating judge of Brescia John Arcai. During the investigation carried out by judge Arcai it emerged that during the Vanguard Catholic conference, held at Milan, March 24, 1957, the lawyer Luigi Mattioli made reference to the statements made by Cardinal Montini at a meeting of national and regional executives of MACI. According to the cardinal, the movement of avant-garde Catholics had to act against materialism and Marxist doctrines contrary to Catholicism, by the monitoring of adverse organizations. Mattioli also claimed "the nascent Italian Republic should make use of 20-30,000 men prepared for everything willing to resume the civil war under the leadership of the General Command of the Army». Montini, in turn, reiterated at a conference on 15-16 October 1955 in Milan the need to "know the enemy camp, observe them better and detect their plans. Therefore I tell you, you are called to fight according to times and needs. We are faced with tense and terrible front . The Church accepts your collaboration, encourages support ». In February 1976 "Panorama" (weekly magazine) published some excerpts in advance of the release of a book by Roberto Faenza according to which Montini had collaborated with the CIA late 1950's.
The confirmation of the attachment CIA-masonry-Vatican was also confirmed in from a secret file seized from Licio Gelli in Uruguay, in the name of Federico Umberto D'Amato, which read "top secret confidential information collected by Dr. D'Amato concerning [00. ] cooperation, dating back back more than twenty years, with environments Pro Deo Vatican-OSS-CIA ». In Licio Gelli's personal Papers / archive there were documents that mention Morlion, Dominican Father, regarding information services and also belonging to " network OSS chief "and founder of Pro DE0.
The document stated: Initially the services were covered by the US-OSS organization CIP, Pro Deo information centers. Collaborated with Morlion, who aspired to a Franco regime, Ms. Anna Brady, Obolonsky, Srnider, ( don't have a clue what this last bit means)
SID Servizio informazioni difesa (1966-1977) Disbanded. in 1977( Italian Secret Services)
SISDE 1977 to 2007 Servizio per le information e la sicurezza militate seems to have been terminated in 2007 .. I wonder why ?
from Wikipedia
Since the end of World War II, Italian intelligence agencies have been reorganized many times (SIM 1900-49, SIFAR 1949-65, SIOS 1949-97, SID 1965-77, SISDE, SISMI, 1977–2007) in an attempt to increase their effectiveness and bring them more fully under civilian control.
Morlion, Dominican Father, Probably of flemish origin
M.A.C.I. (Movimento Avantguardia Cattolico Italiano) Avantgard Group of Young Catholic's, boasted an army of 100,000 uniformed fighting men, quite a bunch , anti commie of course
Federico Umberto D'Amato, played an important role in the operation covering the Fascists, by removing and destroying evidence and also laying a false trail and framing the Anarchists.
see his wiki page explains his position ..
Honorary President of the Supreme Court of Italy and former Senior Investigative Judge Ferdinando Imposimato, .
In a his recently Published Book, The Republic of the Unpunished Massacres, Judge Ferdinando accuses Bilderberg of being behind 25 years of Terrorist attacks known jointly as "The Strategy of Tension" which plagued Italy in the 1970'-80's. "I found a document that left me appalled, when it comes to bloody terrorist massacres it also speaks of the Bilderberg Group. A document held by a terrorist of the New Order, Ventura. I believe this document is genuine. I did some research and I can safely say that behind the strategy of tension and the massacres there is also the Bilderberg group, a sort of Big Brother high above, which controls and maneuvers, Right Wing terrorists and Freemasons for it's purpose."
Ferdinando Imposimato has been recorded on video stating that : Bilderberg Was Behind "The Strategy of Tension"
This is a person who took part in the original investigations who states in the book that at the time I would never have even contemplated
that an invisible world government could even exist let alone that it was responsible for the 20 + Terrorist campaign.
It was only due to his recent research and investigations that new information came to light.
Here are some extracts from the book .. I'll add the original italian text, as the translation is not 100% .:.
THE REPUBLIC OF THE PUNISHED MASSACRES ( By Ferdinando Imposimato) Published by Newton Compton,
The judge Grassi was convinced that these massacres had been organized by "structures of unconventional warfare [... ], were a manifestation of an international strategy, the result of a covert agreement between services, and other initiatives of supranational character, which operated Italy and other Western states. " The diagnosis was accurate, because he found a match in the formidable unpublished document attached to the indictment of the report prepared by Magistrate EmilioAlessandrini on the terrorist attack at Piazza Fontana . It was the secret services report RSD / lZETA n. 230 of June 5, 1967, which described the existence of an invisible world government, which had interfered for many years using any means at it's disposal , in the political life of various countries or the West, including Italy. The object of the report was "international pressure groups in the West." The document was divided into a basic text of three notes which included information on the CIA, the Bilderberg group and the ADA (Americans for Democratic Action) and included very interesting conclusions : for example, the fact that a covert war being waged with un Orthodox methods to the sound of massacres and murders in the various territories of the West. A sentence in the introduction, proposed to 'follow developments', which was to assume that the war was still going on when the writer had penned these notes.
Grassi's investigations turned up numerous methods used in the function of a unorthodox warfare. Maybe he did not know if they reported to a single "center of control", in some way either part of Gladio, or part of the same structure, recalling the description of Vinciguerra. They also spoke of the bonds of Delfo Zorzi, who had admitted having contacts with a very high official of the had operated a NATO organization in Italy to which the recent dramas tragedies of the country are related and that, from time to time, he has made use of secondary organizations some of these were his of his own creation. The P2 Masonic lodge is a very good example of these. It reported that in 1974 there had been a tough battle in the CIA, which had led to the exclusion of Angleton. To quote Vinciguerra again text which Grassi obviously trusted - that "the attack on the Express train 'Italicus was part of the progression that was to lead to a state of emergency." The judge stated, by logical deduction, that 'such a strategy was developed to operate on a global scale and, in particular, in countries in the West more exposed to regime changes and where there was a possibility of the left taking power by democratic means , such as Italy [... ] regarding the strategy in question [... ] The United States of America were the most active proponents.
Remember that the ruling by judge Grassi - that I only obtained by a miracle, under threat of legal recourse, from the archives of the Palazzo Giustiniani - has in fact been kept secret-until 2011. Judge Grassi speaks of the powers of the American ambassador in Rome, "who has the power to order (or ask for), but not to direct military actions that are necessary to support the plan." Grassi referred this strategy to Gladio. In addition, he had also learned of the existence of "a direct dependency on the section of the Italian service of the CIA's SAD (Special Activities Division) , this section ran the Stay Behind Italian structure in the sixties and seventies."
So the judge Grassi had identified the attack on the Italicus Train as part of the Gladio operations, you could also include the massacre of Piazza Fontana in the same game.
A even more severe judgment was made by the aforementioned judge Grassi of Bologna, who investigated the Piazza della Loggia and the Bombing of the Express train Italicus.
The unveiling of Gladio / Stay Behind, has revealed some very relevant information regarding all the terrorist attacks. . Many different elements of the investigations had already highlighted links to some kind of central organization behind massacres that had bloodied Italy since 1969 and the strategies of provocation and death that had seen right wing subversives involved along with the heads of intelligence services in the context of anti-communist activities. [... ] [The argument that] Gladio had only an anti invasion function appeared disproved by numerous and consistent evidence.
Grassi wrote again:
The reports of the Study Committee on Government Operations of the Senate of the United States of America and in particular those involved in the conspiracy for the assassination of foreign leaders are important. This committee is in possession of the one drawn 11/20/75 dedicated to covert operations aimed at the physical elimination of some leaders who fought against Nazi dictatorships, among them Patrice Lumumba, Fidel Castro, Rafael Trujillo, Ngo Dihn Diem and René Schneider. The first was the architect of the independence of the Congo, Castro was the liberator of Cuba from Batista's dictatorship, the third was the president of the Dominican Republic, the fourth was president of South Vietnam, the fifth was the Chilean general close to Allende. All but one were all successfully Eliminated, Castro survived. . [... ] Typical technique used by the CIA was to freeze the Investigative process, set in motion by a covert action with agents in every department of law Enforcement, Justice dept, Police, protecting the Guilty parties.
Gladio also served the political interests of Italians who were coherent with the destabilization project. This entity, also escaped the rigors of the law, due to institutional protection in the higher places, enabling it to grow and expand beyond measure, by always being one step ahead of the State Prosecutors. It became increasingly dangerous and threatening.
Those who tried to investigate and reveal it's structure, composition and purposes were ruthlessly murdered: among them (Magistrate) Giovanni Falcone, who spoke in his diary given to the journalist Liliana Milella. Horrendous crimes mingled with the birth and extinction of governments, at the sunrise and sunset of political leaders, bloody struggles for the conquest of the major institutional positions, for control of the economy and finance, the nerve centers of ' information and misinformation. A history of the most Machiavellian ruthlessness . A tragic story that is very likely to be repeated. As we have seen, this clandestine structure, so often saved by the secret State by those who had an interest to cover and enrich themselves, made up organically of, Cosa Nostra, Neo Fascists terrorists, economic enterprises, intelligence and freemasonry, operated by OSS and CIA. All glued together by the P2 lodge which had infiltrated every organ of the State and the higher echelons of political power.
In truth, for years, I actually refused to believe idea that it was even possible that such a subversive network to exist . The first seed of doubt was instilled in my mind by a young university student of the New Order, Paolo Aleandri, before that I thought it was pure fantasy. I questioned him for days about the murder of a Magliana (Rome based Gang) thug. It was him who revealed to me, in 1982, the existence of an anti insurrectional plan kept in the safe of the General Command of the carabinieri. This plan, which was to lead to the arrest of trade unionists and left wing politicians and the control of military and other institutions, it was supported by "a part of the Christian Democrats and conservative circles of the Vatican, who advocated in dramatic terms the danger of a communist advent to power." And there were those in the Italian Parliament who also supported this strategy? As a Catholic, I did not want to believe the role of the Vatican, which contradicted the message of peace and love preached by the Church. And yet I wanted to record the whole confession of Paolo Aleandri, I recently rediscovered the entire tape in the files of the P2 Commission Report (in Rome).
Another interesting aspect of Aleandri's statements are the references to personal his relationship with Gelli, in the name of Alfredo De Felice, a member of the same right-wing organization, " bound by ties of friendship to Federico Umberto D'Amato » Aleandri's, who self-confessed to the attempted massacre at the CSM in 1979 (failed bomb plot), stated that he often went to report to Gelli, usually on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, at the Excelsior Hotel (in the center of Rome), where they went to visit to the head of P2, also present were the likes of D'Amato, the journalist Franco Solomon, Umberto Ortolani, the head of the SID Vito Miceli ( P2 card number 491), the Secretary of the Treasury Gaetano Stammati (card 543) 8. They were all witnesses called by me, they quietly admitted their relations with Gelli, while at the same time Roman magistrates was clearing these affiliates of the P2 of any offenses connected to them belonging to an illegal organization.
But Aleandri also had knowledge of the relations between New Order the CIA agent, engineer John Fenwick, and also with Vatican officials. At the time of the interrogation, I was tempted to get up and walk away, Aleandri's statements seemed to me to be pure fabrications of his own invention and a total waste of time. Today, thirty years on, these statements are precious. The circumstances reported by Aleandri on the connections between New Order with Freemasonry, the CIA, SID, sectors of the Vatican and the Christian Democrats are extremely useful to our reconstruction of events. Moreover, the value has been misinterpreted by many judges, including Rosario Minna from the court of Florence , PM Claudio Nunziata of Bologna, and the P2 Commission itself . In addition, as we have already had occasion to see, that Moro had clearly seen, from his prison cell, the problem of the matrix of the massacres of 1969, sinking the knife edge of his analysis in the heart of the problem and identifying "In addition to responsibilities that lie outside of Italy, indulgences and connivance of state organs and certain sectors of the Christian Democrats » But did the intuition of the Christian Democrat statesman (Moro) get any feedback? (Gladio) SB was (and is?), is / was either an organization created wholly in Italy or / and that had godfathers from outside of our Country? . Was Gladio entirely made in Italy or were it's God fathers from outside of the country ??
These crucial questions can be answered, at least in terms of probabilities. Referring to a document of great value, I got to now of it's existence thanks to Gerardo D'Ambrosio: This is the third and least known secret report of June 1967, found in Montebelluna, during the investigation into the massacre of Piazza Fontana, the ratio ( RSDlIz n. 230 5.VI.l967) - Like the other documents found on that occasion, it is likely that it came from Guido Giannettini (AKA agent Z) . The text, overlooked at the time of the investigation, was instead of extraordinary importance. It may be inferred, albeit with the prudence that has marked our journey so far, that the thread that binds all the carnage once again leads to Washington. The report stated: "The existence of the occult war is nothing new. This report outlines the current framework . In the absence of an overt war, it must be considered that the occult was the strategy of tension. Reading the document, there is evidence of a body of global dimension that Gladio is only an articulation. But there is a new aspect: ~ br />
At the end of World War II, to contain the communist tide the Western victors decided to create an 'alliance between the Catholic the secular liberal forces with a Meeting ground was organized out of which came the NEI (Équipes Nouvelles Internationales), based in Brussels, a sort of Masonic-Catholic Liaison Office (my italics, author's note) with the function of promoting the development of most progressive Christian Democrat forces in the old continent.
So an agreement was reached between Catholics and secular liberals, that is Freemasonry. We will find this incredible alliance also among the Leonine Walls,(don't know what that means but it's sure to be dodgy) with the presence of the likes of Michele Sindona and Roberto Calvi, both members of the P2 lodge.
The report deplored the attempt to exclude Vatican liability and the stressed the strange lack of any mention of Opus Dei, which especially in the case of Spain, has an important function in the cloak of subversion, even communist. [00.] Clearly, the attempt to partially exonerate the Vatican and the highest hierarchy of the Catholic Church from liability for the subversive action in the West (my italics, author's note), which was planned and organized from that top and not just the result of personal initiatives.
The amazing aspect of this story is that one of the main representatives of the U.S. intelligence in Italy was the Pro Deo, father Felix Morlion of the Dominican University of Rome, 'he seemed to be always at a crossroads of encounters between people from the CIA, prelates and big industrialists. A photograph, by Pecorelli, of the Pro Deo rector Felix Morlion appeared in the "World of Today" along with three U.S. Secret Service agents, and Christian Democrat ministers Giuseppe Spataro Mariano Rumor».
The alliance between the Vatican and Freemasonry would bear fruit not only in financial terms, of the aid offered by the IOR to Sindona. A confirmation to this effect would come from Tassan Din Bruno, managing director of the publisher Rizzoli (group), a member of the P2. On 17 March 1983 he made a statement taken to Milan based magistrates, Dell'Osso and Fenizia who were investigating the bankruptcy of the Ambrosiano Bank, and reports that Gelli and Umberto Ortolani, the top echelons of loggia P2, "had dealings with the Vatican." Ortolani "gentleman of the chamber of the pope" lived in a sumptuous villa in Grottaferrata, confided to Tassan Din that thirteen cardinals had been guests at his house and had held a meeting in which it had been decided, in a sort of pre-conclave, the elevation of Cardinal Montini, the future Paolo VI, in the papal dignity " But there's more. In Catholic circles, right under the guidance of Cardinal Montini, MACI (Catholic Italian avant-garde movement) was activated in Milan and that among its leaders was Peter Cattaneo, involved in the investigation of the Brescia, massacre
and was mentioned in the records of the investigating judge of Brescia John Arcai. During the investigation carried out by judge Arcai it emerged that during the Vanguard Catholic conference, held at Milan, March 24, 1957, the lawyer Luigi Mattioli made reference to the statements made by Cardinal Montini at a meeting of national and regional executives of MACI. According to the cardinal, the movement of avant-garde Catholics had to act against materialism and Marxist doctrines contrary to Catholicism, by the monitoring of adverse organizations. Mattioli also claimed "the nascent Italian Republic should make use of 20-30,000 men prepared for everything willing to resume the civil war under the leadership of the General Command of the Army». Montini, in turn, reiterated at a conference on 15-16 October 1955 in Milan the need to "know the enemy camp, observe them better and detect their plans. Therefore I tell you, you are called to fight according to times and needs. We are faced with tense and terrible front . The Church accepts your collaboration, encourages support ». In February 1976 "Panorama" (weekly magazine) published some excerpts in advance of the release of a book by Roberto Faenza according to which Montini had collaborated with the CIA late 1950's.
The confirmation of the attachment CIA-masonry-Vatican was also confirmed in from a secret file seized from Licio Gelli in Uruguay, in the name of Federico Umberto D'Amato, which read "top secret confidential information collected by Dr. D'Amato concerning [00. ] cooperation, dating back back more than twenty years, with environments Pro Deo Vatican-OSS-CIA ». In Licio Gelli's personal Papers / archive there were documents that mention Morlion, Dominican Father, regarding information services and also belonging to " network OSS chief "and founder of Pro DE0.
The document stated: Initially the services were covered by the US-OSS organization CIP, Pro Deo information centers. Collaborated with Morlion, who aspired to a Franco regime, Ms. Anna Brady, Obolonsky, Srnider, ( don't have a clue what this last bit means)
SID Servizio informazioni difesa (1966-1977) Disbanded. in 1977( Italian Secret Services)
SISDE 1977 to 2007 Servizio per le information e la sicurezza militate seems to have been terminated in 2007 .. I wonder why ?
from Wikipedia
Since the end of World War II, Italian intelligence agencies have been reorganized many times (SIM 1900-49, SIFAR 1949-65, SIOS 1949-97, SID 1965-77, SISDE, SISMI, 1977–2007) in an attempt to increase their effectiveness and bring them more fully under civilian control.
Morlion, Dominican Father, Probably of flemish origin
M.A.C.I. (Movimento Avantguardia Cattolico Italiano) Avantgard Group of Young Catholic's, boasted an army of 100,000 uniformed fighting men, quite a bunch , anti commie of course
Federico Umberto D'Amato, played an important role in the operation covering the Fascists, by removing and destroying evidence and also laying a false trail and framing the Anarchists.
see his wiki page explains his position ..

Batt Flattery
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