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badger demo gone wrong a demo to far

the end | 04.06.2013 21:18

News footage of animal rights joining a uaf demo

As a long standing ar activist i attended the stop the badger cull march in london after the march i went home i watched the news that eve waiting for the coverage, i saw so called ar people with there badger masks join a unite against facists demo where violence took place. I wont be going on anymore animal rigjts demos in future its not what animal rights is about.

the end


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Some people are never happy...

04.06.2013 21:59

OK, well why don't YOU go and organise a demo bringing in several thousands of protestors like the badger cull demo did?

Oh wait, you can't because you're probably a cop, and even if you aren't then you wouldn't be able to.


there was plenty of good coverage on the badger cull issue

04.06.2013 22:01

Channel 4 news for example.

The coverage of the convergence with the anti-BNP crowd was mostly done in a comedy / light way, but it mostly did good to both causes - showing that EVERYONE hates the racists BNP bastards and also that animal rights activists aren't blinkered single issue people.

Are you trolling on behalf of the fascists 'the end'? Sounds like it.

Save the Badger, Cull the BNP


04.06.2013 22:26

Since someone has accused you of being a Cop...

And, someone else said you are a Facist...

I might as well complete the inevitable cliche of Indymedia by calling you Hitler

this sucks


04.06.2013 23:00

On sky news a man who was on the badger march was seen up a lampost making a fool of himself shouting and acting silly on the anti bnp demo. It took the crediblity away from our anti badger cull march the two groups should have remained seperate.



04.06.2013 23:07

so what's this then? you don't want badgers to be killed but you couldn't give a fuck about fascism on the rise? you need to rethink your shit

the beginning

Human freedom Animal rights

04.06.2013 23:12

One struggle / one fight

Whatever happened to that slogan?

Personally despite being a veggie still, I moved away from animal rights over twenty years ago.

I'm still involved in anarchism though and surprised to read people think that you should only attend one specific cause.



sorry i didnt realise

04.06.2013 23:29

It was a joint march and demo against the bnp my animal aid newsletter never mentioned that.


take a leap....

04.06.2013 23:32

>> you need to rethink your shit

Why? Because you are ordering people to do so?
As long as it is within the law, people are allowed to think and do as they please in this country without intimidation or orders from "people like you" thank you very much.

My life is not for people like YOU to tell me what i can and can't do.


both demos

04.06.2013 23:51

I went on both and i wont again a bnp man got beaten up it was like a pack of hounds on a lone fox. I just detest violence everyone has the right to protest whatever there views and to walk the streets in safety.


What about Bill Oddie?

05.06.2013 01:15

If you're worried about looking stupid I'd stop Bill Oddie speaking for you again.

He was on the news and came across as completely mad, rambled lots, was incoherent and moody and started going on about how helicpoters and trooping the colour were conspiracies to quieten you down.

Completely potty, and made animal rights people look mad (not that you need much help sometimes TBH).
