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smash the G8, smash capitalism, the revolution has come. | 04.06.2013 09:26

On Tuesday June 11, hundreds of thousands of people will take to the streets of central London to smash capitalism and to overthrow the government in the most violent, the most militant and the most angry day of action this country has ever seen.

This is what it will be like:
Full details of the day of action are here:
Come prepared for a civil war! Mask up well and come tooled up prepared for a big long hard battle against the forces of the state.

smash the G8, smash capitalism, the revolution has come.


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04.06.2013 13:00

"On Tuesday June 11, hundreds of thousands of people will take to the streets of central London to smash capitalism and to overthrow the government in the most violent, the most militant and the most angry day of action this country has ever seen. "

You forgot in your post to add in something like 'and they will hang the last bureaucrat from the lampposts with the guts of the last troll / bored office worker / policeman / journalist who posts this endlessly on Indymedia UK'.


Troll post

04.06.2013 16:24

"Come prepared for a civil war"? What total cock.

Remove this agent provocateur shit immediately


Look what is happening in Turkey, how can this be a troll post?

04.06.2013 19:07

Just look what is happening in Turkey right now. So how can this be a troll post then what has been posted on here is actually happening for real in Turkey right now! The only trolls are the posters on here who are downplaying the scale of this protest and claiming that only a few hundred will turn up.

Not a troll

Troll spotting

04.06.2013 19:33

Trying to get this post into the Daily mail as a reason to crack down on protesters

troll spotter