Live Ticker Turkey
Babel | 04.06.2013 00:24 | Repression | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements
Hello! We are an international translating collective, that recently created a live-ticker about the situation in Turkey. We translate several sources we trust to spread informations about the rebellion in turkey, as the official media in turkey and many other countries as well is too lethargic, to inform the public properly. We translated it into several languages and we would appreciate it if you share the following links as wide as possible.
Both websites display the same ticker (we created both as the term "turkish spring" is used by many people, but critisized by some)
To use the ticker, simply click on the language, you want to read. The sources we are translating are displayed on the websites.
Thanks for your support.
Both websites display the same ticker (we created both as the term "turkish spring" is used by many people, but critisized by some)
To use the ticker, simply click on the language, you want to read. The sources we are translating are displayed on the websites.
Thanks for your support.