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Ofcom duty to have standards on satellite TV Channels in communities' names

auditofcom | 03.06.2013 12:43 | Analysis | Anti-racism | London | World

Ofcom is bound by LAW to have standards on satellite TV Channels being operated with OFCOM licences in the names of communities. Yet there is evidence of rampant violations of basic standards by the majority of these outlets.It APPEARS that OFCOM doesn’t have much respect for the communities in whose names these operators do their business. One such community, UK Bangladeshis, are set to change this. In a community petition launched ion East London this morning, UK Bangladeshis Say have set out a neat list of demands for OFCOM

Ofcom is bound by LAW to have standards on satellite TV Channels being operated with OFCOM licences in the names of communities. Yet there is evidence of rampant violations of basic standards by the majority of these outlets.It APPEARS that OFCOM doesn’t have much respect for the communities in whose names these operators do their business. One such community, UK Bangladeshis, are set to change this. In a community petition launched ion East London this morning, UK Bangladeshis Say have set out a neat list of demands for OFCOM

UK Bangladeshis Say to OFCOM to conduct a thorough, extensive and real examination of the contents of the licensed outlets carried on BSKYB or on similar other satellite systems to ascertain the fact and the extent of the compliance by the broadcasters concerned with their claim that they are serving the needs of the UK Bangladeshi community as the main provision as different from the promotion of interests and agendas that are antipathetic to the needs of the same community as ordinarily understood; we also support the call organised by UK Bangladeshis Say for OFCOM to ensure that the universally recognised standards of impartiality, accuracy and relevance are understood, appreciated and upheld by the licensed broadcasters who claim to be in business to mainly serve the UK Bangladeshi community; that OFCOM conducts the necessary inquiries and ensures that the same broadcasters who claim in their relevant applications to OFCOM to be serving the needs of the UK Bangladeshis are doing so as opposed to acting as agencies for the propaganda of divisive messages suiting the interests and agendas of forces either in the UK or in other countries; that OFCOM make public OFCOM’s investigative reports and their findings to satisfy the UK Bangladeshis on objective evidential and ethical and constitutional criteria that they, OFCOM, have conducted the necessary investigations in accordance with the existing regulatory and statutory framework and that they, OFCOM, can evidentially assert that the broadcasters concerned are at once complying with their duties as required of them in this context as well as transparently, demonstrably and actively continuously meeting the specific information, democratic and educational and cultural needs of the UK Bangladeshis and also advancing the universal values of tolerance, respect and rights as enshrined in the UNO’s founding declarations as well as in the ECHR and as subscribed to by the UK Bangladeshis conscious and respectful of the positive values of participatory democratic campaigns that have been fought in the UK for the creation of and understanding of the universally recognised human, social, ethical, democratic and cultural rights of the community as opposed to these broadcasters serving the agendas and purposes of those elements and forces and interests that are engaged in fabrication of the evidence of the UK Bangladeshi community’s collective democratic and ethical lives and demands and instead in facilitating misinformation, suspicion, confusion and division among the UK Bangladeshis.
