Your 'Avin a Cenotaph!
Jo Makepeace | 02.06.2013 20:39
Jo Makepeace
You're 'Avin a Cenotaph! - NO PASARAN
02.06.2013 22:41
Well whatever you were expecting from yesterday's mobilisation against the BNP in central London it's unlikely that a masked up badger themed reclaim the streets anti-fascist disco was high up on the list. But that's (kind of) how it went down.
The BNP started to assemble in Old Palace Yard at midday, with the aim of laying a wreath at the cenotaph some five hundred yards away, but their march was never given a chance to move off. By midday a couple of hundred anti-fascists were only being held back by a thin line of cops from overrunning the BNPs muster point entirely. At no point did the fash ever assemble more than seventy members, meaning that Nasty Nick's foray into street mobilisation is unlikely to be repeated. The few BNP*, along with a few of their White Power mates who tried to give it large inside the anti-fascist crowd were given a stern talking to. Meanwhile the UAF moved up to block the junction with Parliament Square.
For the next four hours the police tested the will of the crowd by rushing forward and using snatch squads. Over sixty arrests were made as anti-fascists were loaded into double decker buses specially commandeered for the occasion. However the line refused to budge and the fash stayed safely penned in.
Black and White – Unite and Fight.
At around 3 p.m just as the cops seemed to be trying to create a corridor of vans to push the BNP along their march route re-inforcements arrived from the just finished 'Stop the Cull' demo which had just ended in St James' Park. The sight of four or five hundred badger masked antis pouring across Parliament Square with a sound-system was enough of a wild card to temporarily halt any police plans. The animal rights crowd sowed further confusion by torching an effigy of Owen Paterson outside Parliament and dragging their soundsystem into the road for a bit of badger dancing.
Two hours later the fash, perhaps wondering if they were suffering an acid flashback, decided to throw in the towel and announced that they were not going to march. Victorious anti-fascists marched to the Cenotaph before retiring for a well deserved pint.
The sixty arrested have all been bailed out of central London and given conditions not to participate in or organise 'protests'. Various arrestees heard cops discussing arrest quotas and it was obvious from the presence of the double decker busses that a mass arrest was planned from the start of the day. Of course having so many bailed away from London before the anti-G8 actions is remarkably handy for the Met.
To get involved in the struggle against racism and fascism -
*Anti-fashionista note: Dear BNP wearing a suit doesn't make you look respectable – when accessorised with a shaved head you just look like the kind of bailiff who can't be bothered to knock.
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Great to see 58 of you scum arrested!
03.06.2013 10:00
Maybe you morons should leave the BNP and EDL alone in future you stupid violent morons!
English Defence League
@English Defence League
03.06.2013 12:58
Here's us saluting our respects to Lee rigby
03.06.2013 21:40
EDL Colchester June 1st
SDL/EDL Edinburgh June 1st
Exploiting Death League
Wherever they go, let's be there to stop them
03.06.2013 23:52
Woolwich crown court 6 Jun, 10am
Sheffield 8 Jun
Oxford tbc
Birmingham 13 Jul
Tower Hamlets 24 Aug
Dudley tbc
Exeter 5 Oct
Slough tbc
a few thoughts on saturday
04.06.2013 01:17
As usual, the lack of solidarity from uaf leaders is pitiful. The way they kept well back from the front line with their speeches while we were getting snatched and nicked one by one. The way they claim this as their victory without a word of mention of the arrested people at all. Are they organising anything to support the people now bailed and facing charges? Of course not.
Note that's the uaf leaders, not the "rank and file". One thing that was great to see was not just anarchos and youthful antifa standing firm, but people of all ages and backgrounds, including plenty who had never been faced with that kind of situation before, linking arms, standing firm, and standing together against fascism. There is hope there.
What we seriously need though is a bit of organisation, and a loud militant voice against fascism in our city. We certainly aren't going to get it from the uaf leaders. We need a credible, honest, and uncompromising antifascist organisation to call demos and actions, have a plan, and give statements that show our politics not liberal bullshit. All respect to comrades who have been doing their thing in the shadows as it were against the fash, but what we really need is to come out into the light of day, coordinate stuff well, and get our message across. We need a serious militant antifascist network or movement, call it what you want, and we need it now. Let's get to it.
04.06.2013 07:43
04.06.2013 01:17
We stopped the fash from marching to the cenotaph, people held the lines, held the road, de-arrested each other time and again, and all in all the price we paid, 60 arrests on nonsense public order charges for not moving out of the road and letting fascists pass, was well worth it."
The fash don't get it - we don't need positive media coverage - they do.
Stopping a bunch of seig heiling cunts from using the cenotaph for their hypocritical press whoring isn't anything to be ashamed of. It's something we and many others are extremely proud of. Now THAT'S patriotism :-)
PS Don't fuck with the Badgers.
dont fuck with the badgers
04.06.2013 09:18
sean sussex sab
BNP re-launch, the official video!!
04.06.2013 16:22
and God Bless all who sail in her!
Captain Haddock
@ afew thoughts.
04.06.2013 17:26
Think there should be a network? There already is - it's embryonic but has a solid base in several towns/cities.
04.06.2013 18:04
What you are doing is ILLEGAL.
the law