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Brighton Bottle Jobs

Marlowe | 01.06.2013 12:32 | Anti-racism | South Coast | World

Sussex EDL shit out!

1st shit outs of the day go to Brighton/Sussex casuals or whatever they 12 of em are called these days. they bottled it, headed for the memorial at 10.30 and fled. total bottle jobs. we were there, where were you?



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01.06.2013 19:14

This is a false thread i work there and didnt see anyone.


Above comment?

03.06.2013 07:40

'you work there' - what at the war memorial? what are you a ficking seagull? you balloonheads bottled it. you said 'we will be there 1pm' and sneaked in at at 10.30 and fucked off again. that is bottling it. sussex shitout casuals fail again. it was like churchill square but even more embarassing for you. give it up.



03.06.2013 14:44

Never saw any demos in brighton.
