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Counter the EDL in Portsmouth today june1st

2Tone | 01.06.2013 08:18 | Anti-racism

The EDL will be attempting to exploit the recent barbaric murder in Woolwich to further their campaign of hate on the streets of Portsmouth.

We're calling on all anti-racists to assemble in Commercial Road, muster point near Burger King, at 12 noon. The EDL intend to march through the heart of our city - let's stop them!!! PLEASE SHARE FAR AND WIDE!!!



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01.06.2013 10:19

IF this is an EDL silent march for Lee Rigby then I think we'd be playing into their hands if we try to stop it. Though I agree we must counter it in some way. Leafleting maybe?


The Nazi face of Portsmouth EDL

01.06.2013 11:18

The Nazi face of Portsmouth EDL

Anti Fascist