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'Rebel Every Day': Anti-G8 flyer

Destroy the G8; Destroy Capitalism | 29.05.2013 15:47

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“Capitalism is a social relationship and not a citadel of power. It is starting from this banality that one can deal with the question of summits and counter-summits.”
-Where Is The Festival?

Originating in 1976, the G8 is the annual meeting of the eight most politically powerful countries in the world. Whilst its defendants lavish poetics over the summits intent on discussing the “important global issues of the day”, with the aim to “advance growth and prosperity across the world”, it is clear from the UK coalition government’s statement of priorities that their only intention is to further the wealth of the rich and ruling class.

Focussing on trade, tax and transparency, Cameron’s emphasis on these fundaments of Capitalist mediation show that the only benefactors of this theatre of superpower are those who have made it their work to usurp the activity of the the most oppressed in this society. The media and their extended circle of linguistic specialists continue to bombard us with concepts that are beyond our comprehension, creating a realm of political and economic deities; abstract and intangible to the reality of life upon these streets.

As those who are forced into the vicious cycle of work-consume-work-consume, it is time to physically oppose the farcical ramblings of the political elite. As trade within the EU continues to open, creating greater opportunities for economic and political profit, the fortress of control extends its insidious grasp. With the price of survival growing every day, the bureaucratic welfare-state evermore refusing our existence, digital and visual surveillance expanding its scope, the prison industrial complex growing, and the ‘radical left’ ever more liaising and compromising with the political framework, the only answer to this modern totalitarianism is social revolution.

A number of demonstrations, carnivals and rallies have been planned in opposition to the summit, but their emphasis on these supposed ‘centres’ of wealth and capital only touch the surface. Capitalist relations exist in every production process, commodity, valuation and exchange. They control us from the morning’s alarm to our designated rest time. The price of a drink is our dictated pleasure and the cost of antidepressants the expense of our pain.

It is not necessary to march on West London in order to disrupt the infrastructure of capital, for the rebellion of every day is far more effective. From rent strike, refusal to work and the theft of commodities, to an organised attack on the manifestations of capital, rejection of power’s domination of our lives can come in many

For up-to-date news and reports of actions against the G8 and capital as a whole, both local and international, check out: and

Destroy the G8; Destroy Capitalism


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How we rebel

29.05.2013 20:17

There are a million ways people rebel everyday that aren't two guys throwing bricks and waving a stick. It's very dull this lazy but fetishistic representation of rebellion.


all good

30.05.2013 09:15

It's good to rebel in your everyday life. It's good to rebel on your own. It's good to rebel with a small group of friends. It's also good to come together in the streets with lots of other people who share your anger and some of your dreams and rebel together. It's good to rebel in lots of different ways. In the West End of London or wherever you are. Just do it. But enough slagging others off who do it differently. The point is to act, and right now we should support everyone who stops being scared or passive and does something, however big or small.


Lazy, disgraceful and fetistic

30.05.2013 09:28

This fyler is a disgrace to the movement. It misrepresents everything that is good about the cause of freedom and rebellion. I will post up my perfect fyler next week after the g8. I am busy now creating a network for all the starving babies in Hackney whilst designing a new range of propaganda based on the real aspirations of the downtrodden. Photoshop is a revolutionary tool we must never leave in the hands of the lumpen amateur actvists obssed with violent sociopathery and the murder of innocents. I have the true way. I will teach you how to use photoshop with a true ethics.

Golden light of Truth shines in the hole of Libertarian Communism (TM)

Long live the Admins.


Chuck Brick. Wave Stick = Rebellion

30.05.2013 22:55

Is still a very dull this lazy but fetishistic representation of rebellion even if you think I am slaggin off anyone's rebellion or anger which I wasn't. If you don't want to think about what that image says to anyone already rebelling or interested in rebelling or nervous about rebelling but who isn't rebelling by aspiring to throw bricks and wave sticks then don't. If you want to maintain these images as the standard representation of what it means to come together to rebel then do. Just enjoy the isolation from thousands of other rebels and possible rebels who this image will do nothing for and who won't be attracted by it to come to the anti-g8 protests.


rebelling every day is about so much more than hurling bricks

31.05.2013 13:46

The revolution of everyday life is about so much more than the insurrectionist dream of throwing bricks and molotovs. Its about fundamentally rearranging the way that we interact with the world. Take note: this doesn't just mean smashing what we don't like, it means creating alternative participatory economic structures to support ourselves and our communities. It means acting in solidarity with people around us and on the other side of the globe. It means providing for each other emotionally and physically and it means rehabilitating collectivism as a real living ideology and praxis.

Sometimes we need to throw bricks. However, we should under no circumstances fetishise violence - it should be a tactic we use thoughtfully and strategically when, and only when, it is appropriate in the wider context of struggle.

Anyone who disagrees with that is no comrade of mine, and no anarchist either. What sort of anarchist would fail to recognise the potential for oppression inherent in a violent act? And what sort of political activist would dogmatically use a tactic without considering its effectiveness?

You talk about all the people who might be inspired by this sort of imagery - fair enough, but what about the people who would be alienated by it? A few angry people with nothing in common except their rage and their desire to blindly hit back could never create lasting change. Militant action against the state has to be supported by a broad movement to be effective - look at the history of any struggle to see that this is true.
