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Solidarity benefit night for Greek social movements at Easton Community Centre - 8th June

BGSG | 28.05.2013 14:55


- Original article on IMC Bristol:


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29.05.2013 14:19

The print on the poster is small, here's the finer details in full:

BGSG presents a solidarity event to raise awareness and funds in an attempt to support social struggles and social movements in Greece:
Saturday 8 June from 8pm to late, £5 on the door. At the ECC, Kilburn St (off Easton Rd), Bristol, BS5 6AW

Room 1 Bands: Spanner (militant ska punk), These Creeps (hardcoreska), Cydernide (street punk), Fuzia (BalkanKlesmerSka)
Room 2 DJ's: Spacedocker, C.C.B, Oliffka aka Toxic Olive, The Porg, Ambisinister, Mad Masks. Playing jungle, breakcore, hardtek, hardcore, mash up.
With special guest My Bad Sister
Plus...Pyratrix Circus, Barmy Cabaret & stalls

BGSG - we are a small group of people organizing solidarity events to raise awareness and funds in an attempt to support social struggles and social movements in Greece. Up coming big event on at the Easton Community Centre on June the 8th! Bands, DJ's and performances! All profits go towards Greek autonomous spaces, that have lately been hammered by police/neo-fascist attacks! All welcome, all more than welcome to get involved! We need ideas, energy, people to do stuff on the nite etc.get in touch if u wanna b part of it.
Whoever wants to get involved please contact us at:

Info & news from Greece: - news from the Greek streets - news, analysis and blogs from Greece - resistance and solidarity reports from Greece and across Europe - migration and struggle in Greece (Greek original at - independent journalism from Greece on a variety of topics, includes in-depth reports, including a recent one on the Viome factory occupation.

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