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Callout for South London Eviction Resistance, Tuesday 28/5/13

(A) Resident | 27.05.2013 11:49 | Free Spaces | Public sector cuts | Social Struggles | London | South Coast

Patmos Lodge, a squat of 2+years with 100 residents due for eviction this Tuesday morning

Patmos Lodge, a large former old peoples home in the Oval/Kennington area of South London, has been squatted for over two years by an ever-changing group of around 100 people. After a long legal battle the squat is now up for eviction this Tuesday 28/5/13. Who knows how long it will lay empty before being turned into more fucking yuppie flats?

The residents are a loosely affiliated collection of crews and individuals, with differing political stances (or lack-thereof) and ideas about how an eviction attempt should be handled. Some wish to walk out and not make a fuss, some are actively against any resistance, and some would like to keep and defend their home. Many residents are vulnerable: children, older people, cats, dogs and plenty of people with nowhere else to go and at risk of having to sleep rough.

What do we have to gain from walking out quietly and giving the scumbag developers and duplicitous Lambeth Council an easy time? Fuck all.
Those who want to help us stay are welcome.

Come along tonight or at the crack of dawn tomorrow if you can help out. Bring what you would expect to find and anything that might be useful. Please spread the word among your friends and networks, and feel free to reproduce this text.

We're 5min walk from Oval tube station or Vassall Road bus stops.

(A) Resident


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27.05.2013 20:00

So a bunch of theives are going to get sorted kick em out and hard total scum


What this says about the sinking Left in London, Britain

27.05.2013 21:20

What this says about the sinking Left in London, Britain

What is The Left, anyway?

It is left rotten
It is left sinking
It is left in the rubbish
It is left in the pub
It is left wanking
It is left absent


Is it going to be better than Clifton Mansions evictions?

27.05.2013 21:47

Fucking worst Brixton squat thing ever. As if 30 years of squatting history and resistance stood for nothing. The blame for this waste of an early morning laid squarely at trendoid Facebook bohemians with no clue and cut and paste anarchists posing to themselves.

Anyhow, good luck Patmos folks. Can't be worse than Clifton.

Brixton OAP