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A new racist attack in Athens. Victim a 14 years old boy from Afghanistan

memyselfandi | 15.05.2013 12:56 | Anti-racism | Migration | World

Neo-nazis attacked a young migrant boy in Athens

A new racist attack took place on Monday (May 6, 2013) in the centre of Athens. The victim is a 14-year-old boy from Afghanistan. The boy reported he was attacked by a group of men dressed in black outside the metro station of Attiki square. The group asked for the papers of the boy. As the Afghan teen declared he had no any, he was kicked and fell on the ground. The attackers reportedly smashed a bottle of beer and injured him on the forehead. A person who was passing by near the incident took him to the hospital. The victim is currently under the protection of Doctors of the World and stays at a charity hostel, while the UNHCR reported the incident to police. The boy came to Greece with his mother on their way to Switzerland where his bother lives. According to greek media, the human traffickers had separated the family. Till now there is no evidence of who attacked the boy, although the greek media are writing today that most probably the perpetrators are from the neonazi scene

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16.05.2013 15:00

Good news thanks.

greek of athens