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Ground the Drones Week of Action 2013

Drone Campaign Network | 05.05.2013 21:51 | Anti-militarism | Technology | Terror War

This year's annual Week of Action against drone warfare, called by the UK Drone Campaign Network ( will be taking place 5 - 12 October 2013. Please put these dates in your diary now, and help spread the word.

The Week of Action exists as a Facebook event here:, and a list of resources for the week, including leaflets and posters can be found here:

Drone Campaign Network


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UAVs not drones

05.05.2013 22:42

use the proper name. Drones is something they use in the Daily Flail


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Cheap and effective

06.05.2013 09:59

A cheap and effective way to kill Taliban terrorists, I can see why Indymedia readers would not like them.


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Better get used to 'em

06.05.2013 11:40

1/10 the price of a modern fighter / bomber

No threat to crew

Less running costs (30% of an F16)

Longer in range

The current crop of 4th/5th generation fighters coming into service (F22, Eurofighter, F22 Lighting) will be the last manned fighters that NATO will operate.


also known internationally as keep space4peace week

12.06.2013 16:23

a annual protest to stop killer drones

Green syn

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