A Mayday of the fluffier variety goes down a storm in Sussex county town!
Chuck de Brique | 03.05.2013 12:33 | G8 2013 | Culture | Free Spaces | South Coast
Local Lewes squatters open a social centre/donation based vegetable shop and tea room as part of the Stop G8 national network and call for anti-capitalist actions on May 1st 2013!
Lewes Pop up Social Centre 211 High St.
Local activists have occupied an empty block in Lewes to create a Pop-Up Social Centre “for the disgruntled”.
From 1st May the former solicitors’ office at 211 High St, will open its doors for workshops, meetings, and a free shop.
“We’ll also have a donation-based organic vegetable shop too – you simply pay what you can afford,” says spokesperson for the group Mel Goldman.
“Everyone’s fed up with the way systems, governments and the greedy are messing everything up. We’re all disgruntled,” Mel continues. “The environment is being trashed. Austerity is ruining lives. Meanwhile, the filthy rich (including cabinet members) are getting even richer while others can’t afford to eat properly.
“We believe there are other ways of doing things. So we are providing a space for people to come and talk, to share positive ideas for ways to survive and thrive. We invite people to drop in for tea to find out more.”
The Lewes Pop Up Social Centre plans to run for less than a month and is supported by a broad coalition of local groups including , Lewes Stop the Cuts, Frack Off, Sussex Stop G8, Lewes Against Fracking, Lewes Uncut and Grow Lewes.
Chuck de Brique
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Fines for activists
03.05.2013 22:17
whats a 'people's court' ?
04.05.2013 18:58
ppol pot
04.05.2013 23:33
Yes, that's exactly what a People's Court is, so steer clear of using 'pop-up' in your everyday business or else!