David Myatt and the Numinous Lie – Did David Myatt Hack Indymedia's Servers?
Anon | 02.05.2013 14:28 | Anti-racism | Indymedia | Terror War | London | Oxford
MI5 Agent provocateur and nazi, David Myatt, has been trying to suppress the truth about his part in the 1999 London bombings (again). This time it looks as if he has attacked Indymedia's servers to supress damning information about his vile activities.
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utter nonsense
02.05.2013 17:11
..in fact you can also see for yourself discussions on mailing lists about getting the server back online:
The second article was hidden from IMC UK because it included allegations about another person other than David Myatt, which were not backed up with evidence or details, so the post was hidden as inaccurate.
Check your paranoia levels next time before jumping to crazy conclusions! FFS.